🇮🇳७२ वे प्रजासत्ताक दिवस की बधाई और शुभकामना।

राष्ट्र का संविधान औ धर्मके शास्त्र का आदर करने से सुव्यवस्था और शांति कायम होते हैं। बिना आस्था और व्यवस्था के राष्ट्र नहीं चल सकता। हमारे द्वारा बनाये गये और अपनाये गये संविधान में हम प्रजा की आस्था , आदर और संवैधानिक व्यवस्था में रहना प्रजा की राष्ट्रभक्ति है।प्रजातंत्र दिवसकी देशवासीयों को बधाई।जय हिंद।

🇮🇳 Congratulations to all on the 72nd Republic Day of India !

‘A Nation cannot run without both Faith (āsthā) and order (vyavasthā). The faith of our people in the Constitution of India- which is made by us and accepted by us – as well as respect for and adherence to constitutional order is every citizen’s expression of devotion to their Nation.

Only with alertness and dedication to duty by every citizen is democracy strengthened and kept safe.’

Pujya Bhaishri further says, ‘The Constitution is an organizational framework that we accept for our own welfare – be it political, social or spiritual, one should fully respect and act as per the code of conduct laid out. Our best interests lie therein’.

Across all educational campuses today flag hoisting and salute ceremonies were conducted with pride. 26-01-2021

🇮🇳 Sandipani Vidyaniketan (Porbandar)

🇮🇳 Sandipani Manidweep Sanskrit Vidyalaya (Metoda, Rajkot)

🇮🇳 Devka Vidyapeeth (Devka)

🇮🇳 Sandipani Vidya Sankul (Saputara)

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