Vrindavan Katha named as a Colourful Katha by Pujya Bhaishri on day 1, 10th March 2019

A divine Shrimad Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri began today on 10th March 2019 on the pious land of Vrindavan.

Pujya Karshnipithadhishwar Swami Shri Gurusharananandji Maharaj and Pujya Shri Pundrik Goswamiji inaugurated the Katha with kindling of the auspicious lamp and speeches. Also present were Pujya Mahendradasji Maharaj and Pujya Rasiya Babaji.

Thereafter, worship of Pothiji was performed by the host family, Shri Puranmal Baluram Agrawal and family and the family of Singhnodiya family.


Pujya Bhaishri began with mangalācaran and then talked about our relationship with God. Pujya Bhaishri said that when love flows from the top to the bottom, it is known as parental love whereas when it flows from the bottom to the top it becomes devotion.

Even God has affection towards us. The world of devotion is a world of affection. There is no talk of dispassion in this world.

We are related to God by love. We are His and He is ours. We do not do as much as He does for us or worships us.

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