Self-development, our culture and meaning of the story of Putana – A Self-check on Day 7 Delhi Katha

Self-Check on your development and be result-oriented.

On Day 7 of Ekal Bhagavat Katha in Delhi, Pujya Bhaishri encouraged all listeners to actively participate in their own self-development. Pujya Bhaishri emphasized the need for each individual to develop to be result-oriented.

If we have advanced in life, we must pause to self-check for our own spiritual progress.  ‘Have I grown to become a better human being, Have I advanced in the spiritual union with my soul,’ and so on are vital questions to ask oneself.

One may have mastered the tricks of the trade to earn wealth and perhaps even gained the satisfaction of spending a portion of such wealth on virtuous activities, but these are by-products. What of the primary goal of life? Have we checked our results regarding the science of how to live this life to achieve its purpose?
Are we truly proud Hindus by name or by action?

Colonial rule may have left India, but her citizens are still ruled by the thinking of former colonizers. We believe the fallacy that only English-medium education can ensure success and status in society. Pujya Bhaishri said that the burden of responsibility to ensure children are not deprived of their culture and rich heritage lies entirely with parents.

Pujya Bhaishri spoke of how bright our children are. The only question is of what we teach them. Citing the example of students aspiring to be Rishikumars entering the Vedic stream of study at Sandipani Vidyaniketan (Porbandar), which commences from the ninth Standard, Pujya Bhaishri said these children cross over from Gujarati or English mediums into an entirely Sanskrit based medium and rapidly gain command over the language within a matter of months. Sanskrit is in our blood; we can all inculcate the practice of singing Sanskrit stotras at home.

Kansa, Putna, Gokul – what does this all mean in life?

On Day seven, Pujya Bhaishri delved into the spiritual essence of the pastime of liberating Putanā, who symbolises ignorance in Bhagavat.

Commencing with Kansa, who sends Putanā on a witchhunt to murder all the newborn babies of the land in fear of his enemy, Pujya Bhaishri described the twelve years of constant remembrance of Krishna that culminated in Kansaʼs liberation.

Skillfully comparing the liberation of Kansa by Lord Krishna and Rāvan by Lord Ram, Pujya Bhaishri described the Lord as all-merciful towards all who worship Him, in whatsoever style they may be fit to do so.

The day Putanā approaches Gokul in search of newborns, NandBaba has left cowherds to guard Gokul whilst he pays tax to Kansa. What does this mean?

Kansa means identification of oneself as the body. When we allocate time to perform activities such as eating food, sleeping etc to sustain this body, we are effectively appeasing this body identification by paying our dues to it.

Meanwhile, back at Gokul (meaning our collective senses), these cowherds were allured by Putanāʼs attractive outward appearance and let her in rather than be cautious. At that time if the Demi-Gods guarding our senses open the doors of our ears, eyes, tongue, etc to receive the pleasure of the senses upon sighting the beauty of Putanā, we place our inner bliss (Shri Krishna) at risk.

This is beautifully described by Tulsidāsji in Uttarkānd of Ram Charit Manas as the windows of our senses being thrown open to receive the gust of sensory pleasures.

Pujya Bhaishri explained that the gaze of the Lord contains knowledge of That Highest Reality and the Lord does not grant this to all. These and many others are reasons why our Acharyas have stated Shri Krishna closed His eyes at the time of liberating Putanā.

Thus, progressing this journey from ignorance to knowledge via the Ekal Bhagavat Gyan Yagya, Pujya Bhaishri explained that the Lord can be gained only by means of faith or His own grace. Just as one must progress from city to city by means of multiple modes of transport such as a car and then flight, so too are there appropriate means for experiencing the Lord. After all, can one travel to the moon by car or flight? Can one experience the Lord by their own mind?

Shri Omprakash Birlaji, MP and Lok-sabha speaker attended the katha and joined in the Ekal Awards.

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