Sīya Rām maya saba jaga jānī, karahu pranām jori juga pānī.
Meaning, recognising the entire creation as Sita Ram, I pay obeisance to them with joined palms.
Here it mentions ‘jānī’, to know. Does this mean that evil people can be seen as the embodiment of Lord Ram?

In Ram Charit Manas, Goswami Tulsidasji has not only paid obeisance to good persons, but also to evil people. Also, he has likened the evil people to good people in various ways. For example, “I bow to them by likening them to Pruthu”. Just like Lord Pruthu had asked for a thousand ears so that he can listen to the qualities of God, similarly, the wretched also have a thousand ears as they are interested in listening to the defamation of others.

So, when we recognise the entire creation as the Lord then certainly, whether it is a good person or evil person, all are worthy of obeisance. Even in Gita, we see:

Śuni caiva śvapāke ca paditā samdarśinaḥa                                                       SBG 5.18

Yes, it is not samvartinaa (equal behaviour) but it is samdarshināḥā (being impartial).

If a lion comes in front of us, then God is present in it but there is no need to prostrate before it. We need to have the understanding on how to behave appropriately at that time. Thus, in worldly dealings, discrimination between right and wrong is needed.

Everything is the embodiment of God. Take an example of jewellery made from gold. If a necklace is made, you will not wear it on the leg. You will wear it on the neck. Similarly, you will not wear an anklet on the neck. So, we must behave with our discrimination based on what belongs at which place.

Sīya Rām maya saba jaga jānī, karahu pranām jori juga pānī

Indeed, we must see God in all because the truth is that everything is God.

Sarva khalu idam brahma neha nanasthi kincana

Otherwise all the various forms that seem in the world are all due to illusion. The one that is Supreme, is only one, and that is the Supreme Almighty. We must see the Supreme Almighty in all. However, when it comes to worldly dealings, then we must behave using our discrimination.

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