Hinduism Today honours Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza with the “Hindu Renaissance Award – Hindu of the Year 2006”
Hinduism Today honoured world renowned Bhagwatacharya Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza with the “Hindu Renaissance Award – Hindu of the Year 2006” at Birla Matushri Sabhagriha, Mumbai upon the Birthday felicitation of Bhaishri on 31st August, 2006 during an assembly of saints organised to mark the occasion.
The award was presented to Bhaishri by Shri Rajiv Malik, Hinduism Today’s Chief Indian Correspondent.
Hinduism Today is an award winning, full colour quarterly news magazine based in Hawaii, USA articulating Indian spirituality for 135,000 readers around the world. The cover story of Hinduism Today’s October issue tells the story of Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza spread over 12 pages. It also highlights the grand Sandipani Mandir Mahotsav that was held earlier this year in February 2006, one of the largest spiritual events Gujarat has ever seen. To view the digital edition of this issue of Hinduism Today log on to http://hinduismtoday.com
Starting in 1990, Hinduism Today has honoured one eminent Hindu woman or man with the The Hindu Rennaisance Award. Past renaissance winners have included: Swami Chinmayanandaji, Sri Satya Sai Baba, Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, Pramukhswami Maharaj and Dada Vaswani.
In his letter of congratulations, Hinduism Today Publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami wrote, “With great pleasure and respect I am sending you this plaque honouring your being chosen for the 2006 Hindu Renaissance Award as “Hindu of the Year.” In a meeting earlier this year, the editorial team of Hinduism Today surveyed the world to select one Hindu leader among millions who had, through his life and example, impacted Sanatana Dharma most profoundly and globally. We unanimously selected you, Bhaishri. You have proven yourself most worthy of this recognition for a number of reasons. Your kathas enlighten Hindus around the world with the wisdom of the Ramayana, Mahabharat and Bhagavat Gita. The institute you helped establish and now preside over, Sandipani Vidyaniketan, is one of India’s most respected priest-training schools. You have gained well-earned respect for the wise advice you bestow upon the thousands of devotees who come to you with questions of life they cannot answer themselves. Please accept this gesture of the Hindu world’s gratitude as one small acknowledgement of the Lord’s blessings which have poured out through your exemplary ministry.”