Sundarkand, the Epitome of Beauty
As part of the ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ (Feb 13-21, 2021) the fourth of six devotional activities to invoke the grace of the Lord, was graced by a Sandesh by Pujya Bhaishri, which described the Sundarakāṇḍa as the epitome of beauty in every respect.

In appreciation of the Vālmikī Rāmāyana Sundarakāṇḍa, it is said that—
सुन्दरे सुन्दरो रामः सुन्दरे सुन्दरी कथा
सुन्दरे सुन्दरी सीता सुन्दरे सुन्दरं वनम्।
सुन्दरे सुन्दरं काव्यं सुन्दरे सुन्दरः कपिः
सुन्दरे सुन्दरं मन्त्रं सुन्दरे किं न सुन्दरम्॥
‘sundare sundaro rāmaḥ sundare sundarī kathā
sundare sundarī sītā sundare sundaraṃ vanam |
_sundare sundaraṃ kāvyaṃ sundare sundaraḥ kapiḥ
sundare sundaraṃ mantraṃ sundare kiṃ na sundaram ||’
In the Sundarakāṇḍa, Śrī Rāma is beautiful, and so is the story. Mā Sītā is beautiful, and so is the Aśoka Vanam (Where Mā Sītā was kept by Rāvana in Lankā). The poems (Kāvya) are beautiful, and so is Śrī Hanumānajī, the Self-realised monkey (kapiḥ). The sacred verses, too, are beautiful. In this Sundarakāṇḍa, what is not beautiful?
The conduct (ācaraṇa) and devotion (Bhakti) epitomised by the divine characters of Mother Sītā, Vibhīśana, etc, are highlighted by the exploits of the greatest of devotees, Śrī Hanumānajī; and this is what makes the Sundarakāṇḍa truly beautiful. Loving attachment (anurāga) and devotion for both, Śrī Rāma and His Name, is the divine fragrance that permeates this entire chapter. A sincere reading of the Sundarakāṇḍa fills Life with true beauty—that of Devotion!
This physical body is made up of five elements and it is nourished by the same five elements in the form of food, from earth, water, vital air, ether. Just as these are required for our physical body’s sustenance, association to Truth (Satsanga) is equally vital for both, the cleaning and strengthening, of the thoughts and emotions of our mind.
Just as we need to eat food regularly, so, too, do we need to perform Satsanga regularly. Goswami Tulsidasji has said— ‘karahi sadā satasanga’. Regularity and continuity are the key factors in the efficacy of Satsanga.
Further emphasising the significance of this continuity, Pujya Bhaishri blessed Sandipani South India Parivar for their regular gatherings of sevā and Satsanga with devotees from various cities of South India, and said, ‘Whilst there is significance in how many of us are gathering, what is more important to assess is whether there is continuation in our meetings.’
During the lockdown in Sandipani, Association with Truth (Satsang), Self-study (Svādhyāya), Practice (Sādhanā) and Service (Sevā)—all four activities have been ongoing and regularly attended by our global devotees from around the world, via various social media channels.
‘When you surrender yourself towards the Lord, no matter how circumstances (such as the global pandemic crisis) change; they present an opportunity for a favourable outcome for a devotee who is filled with faith and satisfaction. Such a mindset allows a devotee to take full advantage of any situation to our favour, and that is what we have done here at Sandipani Vidyaniketan, by God’s grace, during these times.’
Whilst vaccines have started to progress throughout the world, this drive will take a few months. In the meanwhile we must adhere to the Government’s safety regulations, and we should also try to slowly begin to bring our lives back on track.
|| Śrī Sītā Rāma Śaraṇam ||
This week’s Pātha was Co-hosted by Sandipani South India Parivar (SSIP), and musical recitation was led by Rishi Jitendrabhai Yagnik. The Mukhya Manorathi was the Pujara Parivāra in memory of Late Śrī Manubhai Pujara.
Since 2019, SSIP has been carving a path for all in South India to connect with Sandipani and Pujya Bhaishri, and devotees from various cities in South India—Chennai, Bangalore, Salem.
Notable active participants of SSIP include:
- From Shri Satyanarayan Temple Trust, Chennai
- Rajeshbhai Pujara
- Rahulbhai Pujara
- Rajeshbhai Desai
- Daxaben Haran
- Kishanji Kothari
- Jagdishji Kothari
- From Coimbatore
- Divyeshbhai Thakkar
- Sachinbhai Kotecha
- Prafulbhai Sejpal
- Hamhindu Group
- Roopalben Thakkar
- From Salem
- Ranchhodbhai Patel
- From Bengaluru
- Hirjibhai Patel
- Pareshbhai Aghera
- Anantbhai Patel
- Keyurbhai Patel
- Gopalbhai Joshi
- Hareshbhai Dave & Sundarakāṇḍa Parivāra
- Bhikhubhai Thakaral & Dilipbhai Jogi—Sundarakāṇḍa Parivāra
You can recap on ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ — Sundarkand Paath 4/6 by Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Sandipani Parivar—South India, recited by Rishi Jitendrabhai Yagnik below:
Report by Nimisha Sadhu & Shivani Suchak