Day 22 | Jhula Darshan 2021
ॐभिण्डकजम्बीरावृतदोलासंस्थिताय भक्तशिवङ्कराय भक्ताधीनमनसे शुद्धसात्विकविग्रहाय प्रभवे श्रीबालमुकुन्दाय नमः ।
भिंडी-निम्बू से आवृत्त झूले में बैठे हुए, भक्तोंका कल्याण करनेवाले, भक्तोंके अधीन मनवाले और शुद्ध एवं सात्विक विग्रहवाले प्रभु श्रीबालमुकुन्द को प्रणाम ।
I bow down to #BabyKrishna who is seated in a swing which is beautifully decorated with vegetables such as okra and lemons; who ensures the welfare of His devotees; and who is fully under the control of His devotees and who possesses a pure form! Salutations to Lord Bāla Mukunda.