Shrimad Bhagavat Katha at Surajdeval sees a congregation of saints and sadhus

A grand Bhagavat Katha of Pujya Bhaishri was organised at Surajdeval by Samast Kathi Kshatriya Samaj. About eight thousand people came to hear this divine katha. A huge Shobhayatra of Shrimad Bhagavat pothiji commenced from Sri Suryanarayan temple and arrived at the katha venue. The auspicious lamp was kindled by various saints including Pujya Mahantshri Kaniram Bapu of Dudhrej, Pujya Mahantshri Valku Bapu of Chalala, Pujya Mahantshri Kumaba of Paliyad, Pujya Mahantshri Jivraj Bapu of Satadhar, Mahantshri Shernath Bapu of Junagadh, Pujya Mahantshri Ramlalka Bapu of Dudhai and Pujya Mahantshri Rajenradas Bapu of Toraniya.

Suryanarayan (Sun God) being the deity worshipped by the Kathi Kshatriya Samaj, Pujya Bahishri enunciated the glory of Sun God at the beginning of the katha. He said: “Asavadiyo Brahma” i.e. The Sun is the manifestation of the Supreme God visible to all human beings. Similarly Shrimad Bhagavat is Puranalokam adhuna uditah. i.e. The Sun in the form of Shrimad Bhagavat has dawned in our life which makes our life truly worthwhile and fulfilled.

We have a lot to learn from the Sun God. Firstly the Sun God never goes on a vacation. If at all at any time it decides to go on a vacation can we remain alive? The earth will end by the eighth minute; because the Sunrays take eight minutes to reach our earth. Secondly the Sun God does not exercise any kind of discrimination. It shines equally on those who offer him morning oblations as well as on those who do not worship it.

Pujya Bhaishri also explained the importance of Kshatriya tej (Glory of the warrior caste) to the people of Samast Kathi Samaj and advised them to shun all kinds of vices like gambling and drinking. Citing examples from Bhagavat he said that gambling led to the miseries of Pandavas and drinking brought about the end of Yadava clan.

During the Bhagavat Katha, Dharma Sabhas were held daily in the evenings between 4 to 7 p.m. which were addressed by many reputed Dharmacharyas including Pujya Mahantshri Kaniram Bapu of Dudhrej, Pujya Mahantshri Valku Bapu, Pujya Mahantshri Shernath Bapu and others.

Saints like Shri Muktanand Bapu of Chaparda, Shri Vishwambhar Barati Bapu of Sarkhej, Param Pujya Acharya Shri Ghanashyam Maharaj of Bhuvaneshwari Peeth Gondal, Pujya Mahantshri Karshandas Bapu of Parab and others also attended this katha and addressed the congregation.

Pujya Bhaishri also visited the Mataji’s Mandir for darshan in Surajdeval which is believed to be the Vaishnodevi of Gujarat.


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