‘Give up vices’ advises Pujya Bhaishri to the youth during Bhagavat Katha at Dhari, Gujarat

On 13th May 2009, The Samast Bhrama Samaj of Dhari village in Gujarat organised a Bhagavat katha by Pujya Bhaishri in Dhari. Deep Pragatya on the first day during the inauguration was attended by many renowned saints including Shri Shernath Bapu of Junagadh, Shri Vishwasu Bapu of Barwala and Shri Dwarkesh Bapu of Vadodara.
In his opening speech, Shri Shernath Bapu said that Shrimad Bhagavatji and Pujya Bhaishri have arrived to sanctify Dhari village and the surrounding area. Pujya Bhaishri is Holiness personified. People who come in his contact become purified and virtuous. Thereafter, Shri Dwarkeshji Maharaj said in his speech that Shrimad Bhagavat contains the essence of the Vedas and the Upanishads. King Pariksheet attained emancipation merely by listening to the Bhagavat katha. In addition Shrimad Bhagavat inspires devotion for Lord Krishna. Therefore, he continued to say that, do not miss the opportunity of listening to this katha which has come our way with ease.
In the katha, Pujya Bhaishri advised the youngsters to give up vices. He said that our body is a temple and our heart the sanctum sanctorum (garbhagriha), i.e. the dwelling place of God. Hence we cannot make it dirty with bad habits. Whoever dirties it commits a sin, a crime against God. The smoke of an incense stick may please the deity but we cannot thrust the smoke of tobacco into our body. The tobacco smoke suffocates the deity that dwells within our heart and thus the deity abandons our heart. In addition, a person afflicted with vices suffers from many diseases often leading to death. We have no right to destroy our body in this manner. Our body is indebted to many people like the weavers, the tailors and the farmers. We should be grateful for the human body that God has provided us and give up the vices. After this many youngsters took oaths of giving up the bad vices they had.
On the last day of the katha, a Bhrama sammelan (congregation) was organised in which thousands of Brahmins vowed to unite and serve the community. A blood donation camp was also organised in which Pujya Bhaishri was weighed with the donated blood.

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