The Pune group of Sanskruti Parivar has been enthusiastically organizing regular programs under the inspiration and guidance of Pujya Bhaishri. 

On the first day of the Hindu calendar, a group recitation of Shri Vishnu Sahastranaam along with offering of Tulsi leaves at the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu was organized during the Chaturmaas.


Weekly Satsangs (instead of the fortnightly ones held previously) are also arranged.


Vriksharopana, planting of trees was organized as if in telepathic compliance of Pujya Bhaishri’s wishes, since on the very next day of their program they received copies of Tatva-darshan, the monthly periodical wherein Bhaishri had appealed to take up the program of Vriksharopana. Six plants of bel patra, eight plants of Tulsi, a few floral shrubs and bitter neem were planted on this occasion.


In the Mumbai Katha of 1999 Pujya Bhaishri had said that the 14th of Shravan Krishna Paksha was the sixth day following Lala’s birth and it was on this day that Pootana had been killed. Whosoever wished to celebrate this day can do so. Since that day members of Sanskriti Parivar in Pune celebrate this day by reciting the 12th and 14th chapters of Shimad Bhagwad Geeta and singing bhajans. The members along with snacks had a lot of fun and merriment on this occasion.


A satsang on Sunder Kanda of Ramayana was organized on the 5th, 6th and the 7th day of Shravana Krishna Paksha in which the chopais were recited collectively. Ms. Hemangi delivered a small talk on this occasion.


Members of the group had undertaken naam lekhan during the past year. Notebooks of such naam lekhan were offered to Pujya Bhaishri on his birthday. A 65 year old woman who had never ever held a pen, also submitted a notebook of naam lekhan which she had undertaken after her daughter-in-law taught her to write Ram naam.


Great going, Sanskruti parivar Pune!

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