“Impulses like hunger, sleep, fear and sex are common to both human beings and animals. But it is the dharma that separates man from other animals and makes him special. Without dharma, man is like any other animal,” so said Pujya Bhaishri while speaking at his Ahmedabad Bhagwat Katha held under the auspices of Rotary Club and sponsored by Shri Karshanbhai Patel of Nirma Group. Continuing his exposition about dharma and human beings Pujya Bhaishri said, “That which makes man take interest in God and his katha is dharma. The purpose or aim of dharma is Liberation or moksha and not artha, creation of wealth. The purpose or aim of artha is dharma and not kaama, sex. The purpose of kaama is continuing human life and not mere enjoyment. The purpose of human life is Tattvajigyasa i.e. finding out the Truth.”

The katha began on 13th Feb. 2005. The ‘Shobhayatra of Pothiji’ started from the Kameshwar Mahadev temple and reached the katha marquee after winding its way through the Narainpura area of Ahmedabad city. At the marquee the Pothiji was welcomed amidst Vedic chants. The katha began after the ceremony of Deep Pragatya and words of blessings of saints like Shri Vishwambhar Bharatiji, Shri Madhavpriyadasji, Yagacharya Shri Adhyatmanandji and others.

The main purpose of organizing this katha was to provide food and clothes to the poor and needy. All important festivals like Shri Krishna Pragatyotsava, Govardhan Utsava, Rukmini vivaha, etc. were celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm.


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