“Although the Shrimad Bhagavat is a puraan, it never gets outdated and helps resolve our day to day problems” said Pujya Bhaishri during katha in Jodhpur, India

The Satsang Seva Samiti of Jodhpur arranged a Shrimad Bhagavat katha narrated by Pujya Bhaishri on the Gandhi grounds from 3rd to 7th January 2010. The Shobha Yatra began from the premises of the Satsang Seva Samiti accompanied by saints and mahatmas. The Pothiji was carried on the heads of several devotees along with ladies carrying auspicious kalash and arrived at the katha venue. The auspicious event began with deepa pragatya by Pujya Satyamitranandji Maharaj of Bharat Mata Temple in Haridwar and the founder proponent of Vishvadharma Chetana, Swami Gurvanandji Maharaj.
Pujya Bhaishri began narrating the katha by commenting that the kindling of lamp by enlightened saints is a significant omen. He continued to say that The Shrimad Bhagavat, carried on our head during the Shobha Yatra, is not just a book, it is the physical embodiment of Shri Govind. We should now imbibe the Shrimad Bhagavat in our minds and hearts by simply listening to the katha. Shri Krishna will purify our minds and fill them with devotion.
During the course of the katha, Pujya Bhaishri said, “No sooner does the sun emerge in the form of Shrimad Bhagavat, the darkness will vanish and our lives will be awakened. We will then realise ‘Asaarah khalu samsaar, dukh rupa vimokaha’, which means, the world has nothing to give, it is filled with sorrow and pain. The world is maha maya prapanch, an illusionary activity; it seems to be filled with desirable pleasures but actually provides unhappiness. Even though we are aware of this fact, we are still not free from desires. Freedom from desire is achieved from knowledge. Knowledge removes ignorance. This is followed by jigyasa, questioning, and listening to enlightened saints who provide us with the answers to our questions. This is known as paroksha gyan. We should then continue to tread on the path shown by our sadguru, do bhajans and undertake sadhana. This way we will experience God directly, known as aparokshaanubhuti. God is not a subject of mere belief. Let God become an experience. This experience is only possible via the grace of God, Guru and soul, that is, Bhagavat kripa, Guru kripa and Atma kripa.”
Pujya Bhaishri also said that when our minds are engrossed in Shri Krishna, the duels of pain and happiness and respect and insult vanish. He then explained who Shri Krishna is. Shri Krishna is Sachidanand roopaya, which means, the form of being (existence), the consciousness and bliss. The word Satt in Sachidanand roopaya means eternal. Nothing exists in this world apart from Satt (the eternal).
Pujya Bhaishri continued to say that ‘Sarvam khalu idam bhrama, neha nanasti kinchan, meaning, the world is Bhrama (God); nothing other than Bhrama exists. Only Bhrama is indestructible, unchanging and whole. Pujya Bhaishri further narrated what God does. God creates, nourishes and destroys the world. Even then he has no attachment in his creation, no ego in his nourishment and no grief in dissolution. His activity is his leela. God destroys our three taap, miseries which are: the physical miseries, the worldly miseries and the spiritual miseries.
Pujya Bhaishri explained that Shrimad Bhagavat is the literary form of Shri Krishna. It is joined with Shri. Shri means beauty, wealth and devotion. It is the wealth and possession of the Vaishnavas. All those who possess this wealth must share it with others. Although the Shrimad Bhagavat is a puraan, it never gets outdated. Even in the present days, it helps resolve our day to day problems.
Shrimad Bhagavat begins and ends with the statement ‘Satyam param dhimahi’. The truth is at the beginning and prevails at the end. This supreme truth is Shri Krishna. This truth can only be attained through ones virtues gathered from innumerable births. Shrimad Bhagavat is a ripe and juicy fruit consisting of the essence from all the scriptures. Partaking this juice grants liberation. Hence Pujya Bhaishri advised everyone not to waste this opportunity. He commented how fortunate everyone present was as per Shri Adi Shankracharyaji to have not only attained the human birth, but also the thirst for liberation and the company of enlightened saints.
Pujya Bhaishri explained, “Being human is important. The intellect has developed immensely in modern times but the purification required is lagging. Man is disturbed because his thoughts, actions and feelings are not pure. Shrimad Bhagavat will provide the serenity desired. God knows all that we want. The human soul is a part of God. God’s nature is of joy, happiness and peace. The human soul is therefore naturally attracted to God. However, due to ignorance, the human soul searches for happiness in the external world which is transient and feels grieved and threatened. Although the soulis immortal, it gets trapped in the mire of sensual pleasures and dies in the process. In spite of being immortal it believes itself of being subject to death.”
“So” Pujya Bhaishri continued, “What should the human soul do? This was the question asked by King Parikshit to the enlightened Shri Shukdevji. To answer this question, Shri Shukdevji narrated the Shrimad Bhagavat katha for seven days. Through the katha, Shri Shukdevji explained that to free from the ignorance and illusion of the world, we should seek refuge at the feet of mayapati, God. The gopis, Kuntiji, Draupadiji and Uttaraji know this truth. Bhishmaji, Vidurji, Maitreyaji and Uddhavji were also aware of this. They all heard and sang Shri Krishna leela and consequently attained liberation. All our longings disappear on listening to Shri Krishna leela. Shri Krishna supports Dharma, justice and the truth. He loves his devotees, hence the reason behind being born as human and behaving like we do. Shri Krishna not only emancipates his devotees but also the demons.

Pujya Bhaishri transported the listeners to a sublime word by narrating the katha filled with devotion and singing the Bhagavat slokas in different ragas.


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