Ashtottar Sahastra (1008) Shrimad Bhagwat Gyan Yagna – Mumbai

‘Thoughts are very important. As you think, so you become. Man lives in thoughts, in feelings and in action. Whenever you take decisions, see that they are for the good and betterment of yourself and society. If you think negatively, it will attract negative incidents in your life. Negative thoughts are even more fatal than AIDS and Cancer. Remember God; why do you think of death? If you talk even for fifteen minutes with a pessimist you too will become prone to pessimism,’ spoke Pujya Bhaishri, at the Bhagwat Gyan Yagna organised by Shri Hari Satsang Samiti at Cross Maidan, Churchgate, Mumbai from 10th Jan. to 18th Jan. 2001.

Thousands thronged the pandaal to listen to the enlightening words of Bhaishri. Nadotsav and Rukmani vivaha were celebrated in great splendor. Ashtottar Sahastra (1008) Shrimad Bhagwat highlighted the entire Gyan Yagna. 1008 pandits sat around the pandaal chanting the pious Shrimad Bhagwat verses between the gyan satras. Bhaishri said, that this pandaal was like a ‘Havana kund’ where ‘gyan ahutis’ would be given.

Bhaishri further enlightened, ‘King Parikshit knew how much time he had left before he would die, but we do not know. Hence whatever you do, do it as service to God. Do such things that God would be pleased with you. Love, Service and Action done without attachment are said to be our best offerings (yagna) to God. Service rendered in return of a service is not service but only an exchange or barter. The fulfillment of wishes of a devotee is supposed to be Lord’s grace, but not wishing to ask anything from God is said to be an extra ordinary grace of God. A person who believes in God is a disciplined person. One who believes that God is present in the inanimate as well as animate objects serves the animated beings and puts inanimate things to proper use.

Love is a ‘Sadhana’ (A disciplined endeavor). Love is the solution of all problems. Love is the answer to many questions. Love and Service beget peace and joy. That which does not exist and is yet visible is ‘maya’ (illusion) while that, which exists but isn’t visible is God. Illusion does not have an independent existence. Maya is like ‘Chhaya’ (shadow), which we can never catch hold of.

The great saints and seers of India did not probe the world of external phenomena; instead they conducted their inquiry in their internal world. In order to meet God we do not need equipments. We only need ‘sadhana’ (Disciplined Endeavour). Vishnu (God) is not separate from ‘Vishwa’ (world). The collective consciousness of the universe is the extended form of Vishnu (God).

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