Auspicious Shravan at Sandipani – Day 20

Ram Katha is life, not a business
Goswami Shri Tulsidasji has said that Ram Katha is kamdhenu, chintamani and kalpavriksha (wish-yielding cow, gem and tree respectively). In addition, Goswamiji has said,
‘Ram katha sundar kar taari, sansay bihag udaavanhari’
When an individual claps his/her hands, the bird on a tree flies away. Ram Katha is such a clap that gets rid of doubt from a person’s mind. Any person who takes shelter under Ram Katha attains contentment and extreme peace. Tulsidasji attained peace, hence he wrote at the end of Ram Katha, ‘paayo param vishram’ meaning I have attained extreme peace.
In this day and age, katha is a huge support in our lives. However, katha readers and preachers should not consider katha a means to achieve something, but make katha an achievement. If a katha preacher makes katha a means to earn money and fame then katha will lose its greatness. This is why Shri Ved Vyasji has written in the Bhagavat,
‘Viprairbhagavati varta gehe gehe jane jane,
kaarita kanlobhen kathasaarastato gataha’.
The importance of katha has decreased since Brahmins and katha preachers have begun to preach katha without considering whether the listener is worthy or not.
Katha is life, do not make it a means of livelihood. What is the need to make katha a business? You will get whatever you ask for from this kamdhenu, kalpavriksha and chintamani – both worldly pleasures and liberation.
Ram katha is a scripture of the principles and ideals of life. Nowadays ways to earn wealth are taught in schools, but not teachings of life. Ram Katha is the teacher of life.