Why do we remember our ancestors during a sankalp for a pooja/yagya?
Ram Katha is an account of the ideal conduct of behaviour in life. We arrange a Ram Katha in order to receive guidance on how to endeavour to live our lives perfectly.
In doing a sankalp (resolution) during a yagya/pooja, we also mention our common ancestors (known as gotrocchar). This means that, this task I am about to undertake should be appropriate and in line with our descendants; it should make them and us proud. We should be capable and deserving to execute this task.
sankalp is a very scientific. Sankalp is nothing but a project report. Religious ceremonies and rituals are very scientific. A whole section in the Vedas is dedicated to karmakand (religious rituals).

Today, along with this satsang, let us all pray to Lord Shankar by singing along to the Lingaashtakam.


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