Auspicious Shravan at Sandipani – Day 4

What are Ramayan and Bhagavat?
Ramayan and Bhagavat are scriptures filled with devotion. They manifest love for God in those without affection for God and increases devotion in those who are devout.
Ramayan and Bhagavat were created under the inspiration of Shri Naradji. Naradji is the religious leader of the path to devotion. Shri Valmikiji and Shri Ved Vyasji were inspired by Shri Naradji to create Ramayan and Bhagavat respectively.
Naradji visited Maharishi Valmiki at his ashram. Maharishi Valmikiji welcomed Naradji and asked:
‘ko nvasmin saampratam loke gunvaan kashcha viryavaan?‘, meaning:
‘In this current time, can you show me a character who is heroic and virtuous?’
One who has a good character and is noble should also be heroic. A coward but virtuous person cannot be an ideal for life, nor can a heroic person with an immoral character.
Ravan was very heroic and powerful, but not virtuous. A virtuous person is peaceful by nature. Such a person will not quarrel or fight quickly. He/She is like cool sandalwood. The more one scrubs sandalwood, the more it spreads its perfumed smell. Then, if this sandalwood paste is touched or applied to the forehead, it provides a cool sensation. Similarly, a virtuous person will wear out his or her body to help the society and culture and spread peace and happiness to others. Thus, a virtuous person is comparable to sandalwood.