“Claiming exclusivity over God is foolhardiness” Pujya Bhaishri said during Karamsad katha in Gujarat, India

“It is okay for a devotee to say that s/he is dedicated to God or that God is for her or him. But to claim that s/he alone is dedicated to God or that God is only for her or him is not only unwise but sheer foolhardiness,” so said Pujya Bhaishri, while narrating the divine Bhagwat Katha at Karamsad in Gujarat. Elaborating his point further Pujya Bhaishri added, “Claiming exclusivity over God is indicative of one’s pride which brings restlessness in our life. It is not proper for any one to develop a feeling of possessiveness for God. It also shows lack of wisdom. For truly speaking, God is for all and all belong to God. God has himself said, “Sab par mori barabari daawa”. Therefore we should not strive to make God belong to us instead we should surrender completely at his feet. That alone is true love or devotion, or worship or whatever else one may call it.”

The Bhagwat katha was organized at Karamsad in Gujarat from 15 to 22nd December 2004. Sant Shri Ganeshdasji of Shri Santram temple, Mahant Shri Ramdasji maharaj of Nadiad Santram temple, Goswami Balak maharaj and Shri Devprasadji maharaj attended the katha which was hosted by Shrimati Premilaben of Africa and Santram temple of Karamsad. Festivals like Shri Krishna janmotsav, Shri Govardhanotsav, Rukmini vivah etc were celebrated with zeal and zest.

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