The wedding processions passed several towns and villages on the way. The residents were amazed to see the processions of the demi-gods. They kept questioning who the bridegroom was amongst all the people. Vishnuji said, “I am a member of the bridegroom’s group. The bridegroom is following behind.”
People thought that how handsome must the bridegroom be if the members look so dashing! Everyone became eager to see the bridegroom. Some climbed trees while some the roof of their house. But, when they saw the ghosts and spirits arriving as they sang and danced, the observers screamed, “Oh my God! Run!”
Those on the trees fell down while those on the roof fell through into the house and locked it; some shouted to their children and hid whilst trying to protect them. Thus the procession arrived at the wedding venue in this manner.
At the town of the wedding, Indra and his group arrived first, was welcomed warmly and given the appropriate quarters to relax. Similarly, a warm welcome was provided to Vishnuji and his group, Brahmaji, Varun, Kuber and the rest of the demi-gods. When Shankarji and his group reached, the garlands and the cold drinks remained untouched and everyone ran! Shankarji asked, “Shringi and Bhringi, is this the way people are welcomed in this town?”
Shringi and Bhringi replied, “No master, but wherever we go, such ways begin to happen!”
The ghosts took the garlands and wore it themselves. The American ghosts said to the African ones, ” you wear the white garlands otherwise no one will be able to see you.”
The African ghosts answered back, “you wear the red ones, the contrast will show better on you.”
Then they all drank some of the cold drinks and poured the rest on themselves. Shankarji asked Shringi and Bhringi where their quarters were and they responded that each town has a crematorium. Hence, they all proceeded to the crematorium in the town.
At the wedding venue, Himachal sent a message to invite the bridegroom to the pavilion. Brahmaji asked Indra if he knew the whereabouts of the bridegroom and Indra refused. No one knew where the bridegroom was and everyone hesitated to ask the bride’s group out of embarrassment. Then Brahmaji, the god of intelligence, who had an idea, went to the crematorium with Lord Vishnu and Indra. As they were about to enter the crematorium, two ghosts stopped them and said, “No entry! You can’t go inside!”
Brahmaji said, “we need to go and talk to the bridegroom. The bride’s family is calling him to get married.”
“No, you can’t go as you may cast an evil eye on our master”.
The demi-gods smiled at one another on hearing this. They were amused since anyone who sees him will get feverish.
Shankarji saw the trio and welcomed them. Brahmaji, Vishnuji and Indra requested Shivji to step into town.
Shivji replied that no one welcomed or showed him his quarters so he had to come to the crematorium. In spite of this, Shivji got up to go without any ego or feeling upset or insulted – how simple is he! Along with him got up all the ghosts to go. Brahmaji stopped the ghosts. The ghosts point-blankly refused. So, Brahmaji explained to Bholenath that he understood that Shivji is kind and provides refuge to those abandoned by the world, but people will be scared if the ghosts also came. Thus, Shivji convinced all the ghosts to remain where they were and pray until he returned.

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