Naradji explained to Himachal and Mainavati that Shivji and Parvatiji have been united for many births. Maa Bhavani has been born as their daughter so they should take this golden opportunity to marry her with Shivji.

Siya beshu Sati jo kinha tehi aparaadh Shankar parihari, har biraha jaai bahori pitu ke jagya jogaanal jari;

Ab janami tumhare bhavan nij pati laagi daarun tapu kiya, as jaani sansay tajahu Girija sarvadaa Shankar priyaa;

Suni Narad ke bachan tab sab kar mitaa bishaad, chhan mahu byaapeu sakal pur ghar ghar yaha samvaad.

Naradji explained Parvati’s past birth as Sati and how she had burnt her body. He said that Parvatiji had undergone terrible penance for the sake of her Lord and therefore they should all give up their doubts as Girija is the ever-beloved of Shivji. When they heard Naradji’s explanation, their sadness disappeared. In a trice, these news spread to every house in the city. Mainavati and Himachal were filled with joy.

Puni puni Parvati pad bande.

They bowed to Maa Parvati. The atmosphere was once again filled with auspicious and melodious songs. The bridegroom’s procession was served delicious food after which Shankarji was once again invited to the pavilion. This time, when Mainavati was performing aarati of Shankarji, the aarati fell from her hands again because Mainavati saw the crescent moon on Shankarji’s head and she thought that how can I perform aarati with these lamps when he bears the moon on his head?

Shankarji was joyously welcomed inside the wedding pavilion. A divine seat had been made on which Shankarji sat after reciting his God’s name. Parvatiji, the bride, was now invited and sat opposite Shankarji. The Yagya platform was decorated and Brahmaji and other Rishis recited the Vedas.

Muni anusaasan Ganapatihi poojeu Shambhu Bhavani, Kou suni sansay kare jani sur anaadi jiya jaani.

On gaining permission from the Munis, Shivparvati first worship Ganapatiji. Many people may be surprised that where did the son appear from in the parent’s wedding? But remember, gods are eternal. Ganapati signifies the power that removes obstacles. This power is everlasting.

Gahi Girish kus kanya paani, bhavahi samarpi jaani Bhavani.

When Himachal gives his daughter’s hand into Shankarji’s hand, Shivji and Parvatiji are now married. Flowers are showered and everyone praises Shivji and Parvatiji.

Namah Parvati Pataye Har Har Mahadev!

This signifies that faith which had separated from trust was re-born from firmness, married trust and made the Lord of the universe her Lord. Thereafter, Parvatiji’s mother and her friends gave advise to Parvatiji:

karehu sadaa Shankar pad pooja, naari dharamu pati dev na dooja.

Always worship the feet of Shankar. The duty of a wife is that her husband is her deity. There is no other God for her.

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