ShivCharitra – 14
Charit sindhu Girija raman Veda na paavahi paaru, barne Tulsidas kimi ati matimand gavaaru.
“The biography of Girija’s Lord is limitless like the ocean. Even the Vedas cannot reach the end. How then, can Tulsidas, who is weak-minded and uneducated succeed in describing it?” says Tulsidasji in the Ram Charit Manas.
Bharadwajji was extremely blissful on hearing Shiv Charitra from Yagyavalkyaji. Shiv Katha increased the devotion in Bharadwajji whose eyes flowed with tears of love. Yagyavalkyaji was pleased to see this state of his listener. Yagyavalkyaji said, “You are blessed! One who has no love in the feet of Shankarji cannot attain Shri Ram even in one’s dreams. The true identity of Shri Ram’s devotee is sincere love in the lotus feet of Lord Shankar.”
On this final auspicious day, we would like to heartily thank the following people for their hard work and contribution to put the Shiv Charitra together for us during Shravan month: Ravi Kapadia, UK, for the photos, Amit Laxman, Australia, for all the videos and Jatin Kevat, Australia, to help us publish it on facebook.
Om Namah Parvati Pataye Har Har Mahadev!

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