Shivji teaches us how to perform darshan of our God. Do not close your eyes in front of the deity as soon as you step into a temple. There is a methodical way of doing darshan in a temple. See and pay attention to each and every part of God including the ornaments, clothes, his face, feet, arms, hands. Then have the emotion that you are residing the God in front of you in your heart through your eyes and finally close your eyes. Take your God away with you in your heart. Most people rush in doing darshan and close their eyes as soon as they are in front of God. When asked, “what colour were the clothes worn by God today?” They will have no idea as they think back. So what was the point in going for darshan in the temple a few minutes ago?
In the next video, Pujya Bhaishri elaborates on how to do darshan of God in a temple.

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