On day 2, along with other wisdom shared by Pujya Bhaishri on Bhagavat Katha, Pujya Bhaishri clarifies the noble efforts in the katha to be a by-product of the Katha. The Katha was blessed by the presence of Shri Rajendradasji Maharaj and Shri Gyananandji Maharaj from Vrindavan.
Pujya Bhaishri said that it is delusion which instigates:
(1) attachment and bondage to the transient material world and
(2) an inability to feel attachment towards Eternal Lord Ram.
In this way, delusion steals our peace and leaves us in misery.
There may be light bulbs and electricity but until the switch is turned on, the circuit does not complete and the electricity does not reach the light bulbs to illuminate the room.
In the same way, God exists everywhere, at all times and we also exist. Yet, until we fully surrender to a Guru and receive His grace, the circuit is not complete and we are not enlightened. The moment our intellect is illumined, we are able to clearly see and separate the real from the unreal.
This leads to detachment from the unreal, transient sensory indulgences of the world and at the same time leads to attachment to the eternally Real Lord.