The garbo (pot of clay kept in the centre when playing garba) during the auspicious occasion of Navratri provides us with the message that even we are like a dipak (lamp). We await that Shri Karunamayi Maa, some saint or a Sadguru will arrive and enlighten us.

Once the light of knowledge is manifested through the grace of a Guru or Maa Amba, then no darkness will prevail. Should we get rid of laziness from our life and work hard to gain knowledge, then the lamp within us will light. This lit lamp will then light other lamps.

Paramba Bhagavati has two forms: Durga and Chandi. The form of Maa Durga is gentle whilst the form of Maa Chandi is fierce. Maa Bhagavati takes the form of fierce Maa Kali to destroy the evil inclinations that disturb her children.

The root cause of all problems is the attachment and ignorance present in mankind. Attachment troubles all of us. The demon Mahi?asur symbolises attachment and ignorance. Maa Kalika destroys Mahi?asur.

On the auspicious occasion of Navratri let us pray to Maa Durga and Kalika to come into our lives as Shakti (divine strength) to destroy our evil inclinations.

Jai Shri Karunamayi Maa.

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