Devotees celebrate Pujya Bhaishri’s birthday on the 31st of August at Karachi, Pakistan

– Report by a devotee from Karachi

Dhyaana moolam guror murtih, Pooja moolam guror padam,
Mantra moolam guror vakyam, Moksha moolam guror kripa

~ Guru Vandana

“The form of the guru is worthy of meditation, we offer worship at the feet of the guru
The words of the guru are mantras indeed, Liberation is by the grace of the guru.”

Hindu devotees celebrated the birthday of Pujya Bhaishri on August 31, 2006 with religious zeal and fervor at Shri Ratneshwar Mahadev Temple, sited at the Clifton beach of the Pakistani port city of Karachi.

The association of saints, mystics and hermits is the greatest blessing of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, we are lucky enough to have the guidance and association of Bhagwat Bhaskar Param Pujya Rameshbhai Oza.

On the occasion Shri Ravi Rameshji, the spiritual mentor of the Shri Parmanand Satsang Parivar, lead a satsang. The satsang began with Ganesh vandhana and aashir vachan of the guest saints. After which Shri Ravi Rameshji shed light on the saintly life of Pujya Bhaishri. “I saw Rameshbhai Oza for the first time on the Gurjari channel six years ago and in his mellifluous and saccharine voice I heard Shrimad Bhagavad Katha and Bhaishri made home in my soul. Something within me said, ‘you’ve found the spiritual mentor you’ve been searching for’. Although I didn’t take diksha from Bhaishri, but he gave me a new disha (direction). I’m treading that path since then and trying to make my life dhanya,” he added.

Shri Raviji said, “If we want purity, ecstasy and contentment in our life and we want to explore the Truth, we should lead our life in accordance with the teachings of our sadguru and take refuge in our spiritual master. We mistakenly think that if Guru blesses us only then we can walk on the right path but in reality not a single moment passes without the blessings of guru.” In his address, which was mainly focussed on the sutras given by Pujya Bhaishri. He said on this holy day we reaffirm our belief in the Eternal Truth, the holy scriptures and the teachings of the great immortal spiritual masters who guided the evolution of consciousness. “May our minds be purified and our hearts open to spiritual knowledge. May we recognize, revere and serve the sadguru by whose grace this knowledge is revealed to us.”

In an e-mail message received on August 31, 2006, Pujya Bhaishri expressed immense pleasure that Shrimad Bhagavad Katha was being recited at his birthday celebrations at Karachi. “The true faith fills the follower with love,” he said, adding that where love dwells, truth, non-violence and kindness make their way automatically. He asked all the devotees to imbibe this celestial message and serve humanity. “If you adopt these virtues, I’ll consider it a valuable gift,” he added. He prayed that may every devotee live in peace and love, and everyone’s life be filled with happiness and contentment.

Harjivanbhai read out Bhaishri’s message during the program and all the participants vowed that they would follow the sublime message in letter and spirit.

In the end all the devotees lit diyas and after aarti, parathna was held for the well-being of humanity and peace on the earth. Prasad was also distributed. The progamme, attended by a large number of devotees, including men, women and children, concluded with the blessings of Pujya Bhaishri.

Prominent among those who attended the function were Pujya Harjivanbhai, Pujya Parshotambhai, Shri Ramesh Acharya (pujari of Ratneshawar Mahadev Temple) and Shri Achut Ananad Maharaj of Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple.

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