Don’t be an Incomplete Devotee—Hanuman Awakens Active Devotion!
Sundarkand Paath 5/6 by Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Sandipani Pacific Parivar—recited by Rishi Shri Chetanbhai Sharma.

As part of the ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ (February 13th-21st, 2021) the fifth of six devotional activities to invoke the Grace of the Lord, was graced by a Sandesh by Pujya Bhaishri, which described the activation of ‘Kruti Bhakti’—chanting God’s Name but also performing His work or service (sevā):
The Rāmāyana is the word-form of Śrī Rāma, and in this sense, welcoming Śrī Rāma Kathā is in fact a welcome of Śrī Rāma Himself! When we do so, by welcoming Śrī Hanumānajī, we earn the special joy of the worshipable Śrī Rāma.
There is a famous story in the Rāmacaritmānasa, of Śrī Hanumānajī’s elation upon reaching the beautiful home of Vibhīṣaṇa that was beautified and purified by devotion— ‘Hari mandira taha bhinna banāvā’.
rāmāyudha aṃkita gṛha sobhā barani na jāi |
nava tulasikā bṛṃda tahā dekhi haraṣa kapirāi. ||
(Dohā 5 | Sundarakāṇḍa | Rāmacaritmānasa)
The mansion had the weapons (bow and arrow) of Shri Rāma painted on its walls and was beautiful beyond words. The chief amongst monkeys rejoiced to see clusters of young Tulasī plants there.
When Vibhīṣaṇa awakened chanting God’s Name, Śrī Hanumānajī was delighted to know they belonged to one family, and worshiped the same beloved Śrī Rāma.
In conversation, Śrī Hanumānajī addresses Rāvana’s sibling as ‘brother’, seeing a true devotee brother in him and putting that relationship at the forefront. He seeks the location of their mother Sītā. and reciprocates with an offer to connect him to their father Rāma, in return. So far, both brothers only know the Grace of one parent.
माता रामो मत्पिता रामचन्द्रः ।
स्वामी रामो मत्सखा रामचन्द्रः ॥
सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रो दयालु ।
नान्यं जाने नैव जाने न जाने ॥
mātā rāmo matpitā rāmacandraḥ
svāmī rāmo matsakhā rāmachandraḥ |
sarvasvaṃ me rāmacandro dayāluḥ
nānyaṃ jāne naiva na jāne ‖
(Stotra 30 | Śrī Rāmarakṣā)
‘Rāma is my Mother and Rāma (Ramachandra) is my Father,
Rāma is my Lord and Rāma (Ramachandra) is my Friend,
Rāma is my All in All, O the Compassionate Rāma (Rāmacandra) is my All in All,
I do not know any other; I do not know any other; Indeed I do not know any other.’
Śrī Hanumānajī assures Vibhīṣaṇa of the Lord’s Grace, giving his own example, and also emphasising that the Lord is in fact, always favourably and lovingly inclined towards his devotee. Thus, be a complete devotee!
Pujya Bhaishri explained this to say ‘Don’t be an incomplete devotee—chanting God’s Name but not performing His sevā. Our sentiments must manifest in our actions, and these actions are called Sevā!’
Śrī Hanumānajī awakens the sleeping devotee within Vibhīṣaṇa and urges him to engage in the Lord’s Sevā . Vibhīṣaṇa agrees and commits to surrender to Sevā, wondering, Will He then shower His Grace?
Śrī Hanumānajī responds with the essence of the Lord’s love, a slightly more elevated attainment than even Grace—
sunahu bibhiṣana prabhu kai rītī |
karahī sadā sevaka para prītī ||
(Dohā 6 | Caupai 3 | Sundarakāṇḍa | Rāmacaritmānasa)
It is the Lord’s tendency (to not only Grace, but rather ) to always love His servants (sevaks). God is already in our hearts but through service, we too, shall be in His heart; He will love us. Thus, the word Love has a higher significance.
The Sundarakāṇḍa is a chapter within the Rāmacaritmānasa that strengthens our devotion and inspires us to further perform Rāma Sevā (work for the good of others).
|| Śrī Sītā Rāma Śaraṇam ||
Pujya Bhaishri spoke of the upcoming 15th annual celebration of the consecration of the Lord, in a celebration which is unique in its length, as well as subject and format this year. The grand ShriHari Mandir Mahotsav in 2006 was 12-13 days long with various festivals, ceremonies, installation and and gathering of Saints. The Śrīmad Bhāgavat Kathā itself, was for eight days. In the following years, these celebrations have ranged from a minimum of three days to a maximum of 7 days. Although the 10th Pātotsava in 2016 was celebrated with a divine, large-scale Viṣṇu Yagya, this 9-day Viṣṇu Yagya on the 15th Pātotsava is the first time such a long festival is being held.
The musical team supporting this recitation by Ṛṣī Śrī Chetanbhai Sharma included Śrī Manishbhai Joshi, Ṛṣī Sandipbhai Joshi, Ṛṣīkumāra Śrī Dhavalbhai Joshi, Śrī Alabhai Ahir, and Ṛṣīkumāra Śrī Ketanbhai Mehta.

The event opened with a welcome address from devotees, as well as verses by young devotees Mrugesh and Hirva Shelat.
Devotees who attended from Sandipani Parivāra Pacific:
- From Australia:
- Śrīmati Yoginiben Patel
- Śrī Chandreshbhai Wadhwana
- Śrī Mihirbhai Parikh
- Śrī Amitbhai Laxman
- Śrī Rameshbhai Kaushik
- Śrī Mittalbhai Ruparelia
- Śrī Jagdishbhai Trivedi
- Śrī Himanshubhai Shelat.
- From New Zealand:
- Śrī Dineshbhai Bhana,
- Śrī Pragnaben Patel.
- From Indonesia:
- Śrī P.K. Pandey
- From Singapore:
- Radhikaben Raj
- Śrī Rajeshbhai Hathi.
Click below to recap on ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ Sundarkand Paath 5/6 by Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Sandipani Pacific Parivar—recited by Rishi Chetanbhai Sharma.