Day 5 and 6 – Watch Pujya Bhaishri playing Garba

Pujya Bhaishri paid tribute to Late Shri Indira Betiji (Jiji) by remembering the significance of the depth of our Scriptures she had spread.

In the medical camps, 142 patients were seen in the cardiology camp, 40 in the pulmonology camp and 5 out of 40 patients will be operated for mouth disorders.

Pujya Shri Kotval Baba graced the celebrations with his message from Pujya Shri Karshni Guru Sharananandji Maharaj. Pujya Shri Dev Prasad Bapu ji and Pujya Shri Rajendra Dasji Bapu also graced the occasion.

Watch video below of Pujya Bhaishri playing Garba


Day 4 – Inauguration of book and homeopathy camp

On day 4, a homeopathic camp by Dr. Sejal P. Sanghvi was inaugurated at Sandipani during the Navratri celebrations.

In the afternoon session of Mahabharat Katha, Pujya Shri Govindgiri ji Maharaj said that the villain in Mahabharat was not Duryodhan but Dhitrashtra.

Carers of children must understand what to educate children. When children are spoilt, the main reason is not the children, but the parents. The book ‘Sanskrit Stavan’, containing prayers and  bhajan was inaugurated today also. The book was sponsored by Gauriben Vijaybhai Goel who was also honoured by Pujya Bhaishri.

The celebrations were graced by the presence of Swami Bhanuprakashdasji and Shri Vasant Swami ji.


Day 3 – The difference in upbringing in children

Following the divine recitation of Shri Ram Charit Manas by Pugya Bhaishri in the morning, Pujya Shri Govindgiri ji Maharaj enlightened all on the upbringing of children through the Kauravas and Pandavas, in the afternoon session.

Pujya Shri Govindgiri ji Maharaj said that there are 3 categories of upbringing in today’s society: in the city, in villages and in the forest. From these, the children in the forest are the most hard working and brave due to their lifestyle. Pandavas were brought up in the forest by Kunta mata and were taught satsang and values in association with Rishis.

The Kauravas were brought up and influenced by uncle Shakuni of bad thoughts and behaviour because the father was blind and Mother Gandhari did not pay much attention to her children. Hence, the Kauravas were weaker than Pandavas physically and mentally.

Two books were also inaugurated today: One contains 365 quotes of Pujya Bhaishri to represent his journey in a year, by Shri Sona Damania; The other is Sanskrit Stavan in Hindi which consists of Kirtan, bhajans and stutis. The sponsor of the books was Shri Bajranglal Taparia.


Day 2 – Chief Minister visits Sandipani

On the occasion of Shri Gandhi Jayanti, Pujya Bhaishri visited Shri Kirti Mandir in Porbandar. Watch the short speech in the video below:

The Chief Minister, Shri Vijay Rupani also attended the celebrations and gave a speech praising Pujya Bhaishri.

Shri Ram janma was celebrated in the morning recitation with great fanfare.

The main message by Pujya Shri Govinddgiriji Maharaj was: A girl must be taught how to tolerate ‘no’s’ at her parents’ house to prepare her for her married life so that when refused about something at her in-laws, she does not cause conflict. It is important to know how to live in opposite and negative conditions in life.


Day 1 – 35th Navratri Celebrations begin

This year we celebrate the 35th year of Navratri Amushthan at Sandipani, held in the auditorium. As per every year, the morning began with the divine musical recitation of Shri Ram Charit Manas by Pujya Bhaishri and all the devotees present.

For the first time in the afternoons, Pujya Shri Govindgiriji Maharaj began narrating Shri Mahabharat Katha. Pujya Shri Govindgiriji Maharaj enlightened us with the following message on day 1: The contemplation of the scripture of Mahabharat will show us how to succeed in every field of life. Success is attained when the right decision is made at the right time. This is not possible without discrimination, which is gained from Mahabharat.

Several medical camps also initiated today including: dental by Sarojben Joshi, heart, lung and mouth camps by Lions Hospital.

The evening ended with aarati, divine darshan of Shri Karunamayi Maa at Shri Hari Mandir and garbas played by all.

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