Day 17 | Shraavan Shringaar Darshan 2021
ॐ धान्याभूषितनिलये मण्डिताय प्रार्थिगम्याय वेदान्तसारसंदोहाय नीललोहिताय भगवते श्रीचंद्रमौलीश्वराय नमः ।
धान्य से सज्जित गृह में शोभित, प्रार्थियों को प्राप्त होनेवाले, वेदान्तके सारतत्त्व सच्चिदानंदमय ब्रह्म की साकार मूर्ति और गले में नील और बाकी अंगो में लोहित वर्णवाले भगवान श्रीचंद्रमौलीश्वर को नमन ।
I bow down to #Shrichandramaulishvara – who is residing in grain-cereal palace today; who is attained by those who prays Him; the embodiment of that Highest Reality (Brahm) who is the essence of Vedanta and whose embodied form is the trinity of existence-consciousness-bliss and whose whole body is reddish hue except for His neck, which is peacock blue (*due to Lord Mahadeva drinking the deadly poison at the time of the Ocean churning.)