Without a Guru no individual can cross and be saved from the ocean-like world. To cross an ocean, we need a boat and a sailor who can lead. A Sadguru is the leader and sailor of our life boat. A Sadguru is needed to help our lives reach the banks safely from the hurricanes in ocean of life.
Sant Shri Tulsidasji has written in the first chapter of baalkand in Shri Ram Charit Manas as follows:
Shri Gurupad nakh manigan joti, sumirat divya drashti hiya hoti.
The dust of the lotus feet of a Guru is as pure as the ashes on the body of Bhagavan Shri Shankar. The above verse from the Ram Charit Manas means, the splendour of gems in the form of nails on the feet of the blessed Guru unfolds divine vision in the heart by its very thought.
The dust of the lotus feet of a Guru is the eye-salve which remedies the defects of vision. Let us apply this eye-salve of the dust of the lotus feet of Guru and listen to what our Guru says and preaches. We should all take refuge at the lotus feet of Sadguru in order to avoid the entry of sins through our eyes and ears.
A Guru creates a disciple just like Brahmaji creates this world. A Guru looks after a disciple just like Shri Vishnu Bhagavan looks after the creation of Brahmaji. A Guru develops the good qualities in a disciple. In addition, just as Lord Shiv destroys the creation of Brahmaji, similarly, a Guru destroys the bad qualities in a disciple. Therefore a Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv.
Let us all pay our respects to our Sadguru on this auspicious occasion of Guru purnima.

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