“If you wish to climb great heights in life, then follow the path enlightened by the great spiritual and religious people, by contemplating upon their lives and characters,” said Pujya Bhaishri while addressing a large congregation of his followers and devotees during the Guru Purnima celebration on 24th July 2010.
Shrimati Charuben Jallundhwal, Shrimati Renukaben Mehta and Shrimati Shwetaben Kapadia were the Chief hosts of this function of Guru Purnima. Other dignitaries present for the function included Shri Gautambhai Oza, Shri Bajranglal Taparia, Shri Vinodbhai Sadhu, Shri Atulbhai Pandya, Shri Karunashankar Oza, Shrimati Gitaben Ahuja, Shri Goyaniji and the local MLA Shri Karshanbhai Odedara.
Pujya Bhaishri said that is the most important day for those pursuing the spiritual path. The purpose of the human life is not to aim for ordinary materialistic goals. Instead its goal should be to realise the supreme truth in life with the help of a Sadguru. He summoned the followers to recognise their own divine existence. This way, one will release oneself from worldly attachements. To be free from these attachements, it is imperative that we recognise our divine self.
Pujya Bhaishri further said, “Happiness and pain are part of everyones’ lives. However those who have realised their divine self are not moved by the worldly miseries. Events of happiness, misery and affections occur in the lives of both ordinary as well as self realised people. The difference is that self-realised people are not disturbed by such events. They go through such events with ease. Shri Ram and Shri Krishna also faced hardships in life, but easily with a smile.”
Pujya Bhaishri continued to say that worldly situations are transient by nature. If there is suffering in life, happiness will indeed follow. In the absence of pain, it would be difficult to know what it means to be happy. It is important to retain ones mental balance in adverse situations. One will not be affected if one has realised the Truth, that is, God.
Pujya Bhaishri said that the world appreciates and applauds the noble qualities of good people, but cannot tolerate these qualities. The world will rigorously test these qualities in the noble people. It has not spared the great people. However, the great devotees and saints have proved their mettle. The life of Shri Ram is an ideal example of this. You should be meek only before God, not before the world. Problems will come in life and they will also go away. That is the tapah (austerities) that one has to undertake. Do not hold on to problems. When the bird considers the cage as his own home, there is no remedy for it. Life should not be considered as a punishment. Instead, it should be celebrated like a festival with zeal and enthusiasm. How you live your life depends upon you. Once you change your outlook the external world will change accordingly.
Pujya Bhaishri asserted that we are indebted towards the great people. We cannot repay their debt with wealth and riches. Our mind finds peace by remembering them gratefully. Pujya Bhaishri told everyone to try to bring a smile on the face of every miserable person; doing so will bring happiness in ones life.
The function of Guru vandana was held on the previous evening. At this function Pujya Bhaishri honoured the teachers of all secondary schools in the districts of Junagadh, Porbandar and Amreli and presented them with a Prashastipatra (Appreciation letter) and clothes. He also applauded the teachers for their noble contribution in the field of education.
The book ‘Ropam Adhikam’ authored by the famous archaeologist Shri Narottam Palan was also released by Pujya Bhaishri at this function.

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