Sitaji was now weeping in the Ashok gardens. She forgot about Lord Ram as she was only thinking about death. This moment to Hanumanji felt like years.

Kapi kari hṛdayă bicāra dīnhi mudrikā ḍāri taba,
Janu asoka angāra dīnha haraṣi uṭhi kara gaheu.

Hanumanji bowed to Sitaji in his mind and dropped Lord Ram’s ring. Sitaji sprang up with joy and took it in her hand as though the Ashok tree had thrown a spark.

Sitaji recognised the ring with the name Ram engraved on it. She now remembered Ram and forgot death. She was in a dilemma. My Lord’s ring here? How? The Lord is invincible so no one can attain this ring by conquering Him nor can it be re-made deceitfully.

At that time, Hanumanji began narrating Shri Ram katha.

Rāmacandra guna baranaĭ lāgā, sunatahĭ sītā kara dukha bhāgā,
Lāgī sunaĭ śravana mana lāī, ādihu tĕ saba kathā sunāī.

When Hanumanji narrates a katha, the listener’s sorrows leave immediately. Sitaji’s sadness disappeared. She began to listen to the katha intently. When Hanumanji finished, Sitaji asked, “Why is the person who has narrated such a beautiful katha not presenting oneself?” Hanumanji immediately presented himself uttering ‘Jai Shri Ram!”

Phiri baiṭhī mana bisamaya bhayaū

Sitjaji turned her back to Hanumanji. Hanumanji did not feel bad. He thought, narrators are worth listening to, not seeing. Do not hold onto the person, grasp their talk. Implement their thoughts in life for one’s welfare. What is the point of attaching oneself to the speaker without taking the speaker’s words seriously? This way, not only will the speaker be troubled but also, you will gain nothing.

Sitaji asked, “Who are you?”

Hanumanji joined his hands and replied that he is Lord Ram’s messenger.

Sitaji was not convinced. “Anyone can say that by doing a tilak and wearing a mala. That doesn’t make one a Lord Ram’s devotee.”

Hanumanji said, “Jankiji, you are my mother.”

She was still not convinced as when Ravan had kidnapped her, he had also addressed her as mother.

So, to place his trust in Sitaji, Hanumanji took Karunanidhan’s oath.

Satya sapatha karunānidhāna kī

Immediately, Sitaji turned round to face Hanumanji. Karunanidhan is Sitaji’s private name for Lord Ram which only Lord Ram and Sitaji were aware of.

Sitaji turned round to face Hanumanji

When Hanumanji had left to seek Sitaji, Ramji knew that Hanumanji will be successful and therefore, Lord Ram had given both His ring and this secret name as evidence for Sitaji.

Hanumanji now bowed to Sitaji and told her that Lord Ram had given him the ring and sent him here to seek her. “With God’s grace, I have found you. Please do not worry anymore.”

Sitaji asked, “Son, what’s your name?”


“How did humans associate with monkeys, son? How did my Lord meet you?”

Hanumanji narrated the story and said, “ Maa, don’t worry. We have gathered a huge army of monkeys and apes. Everyone’s waiting for the Lord’s orders.”

Sitaji thought, monkeys and apes are the demons’ prey. The more they are, the more food the demons get. So she asked, “Are all of them like you, or are there mighty warriors, because the demons are very powerful?”

Hanumanji smiled that Maa thought that he is small. So, he bowed, uttered ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and revealed his true large form, like a mountain of gold.

Hanumanji witnesses Ravans conversation with Sitaji

Sitaji was scared and closed her eyes, unable to see any more.

“Son, return to your small form. I trust you!”

“Maa, such is the entire army.”

“Hanuman, when Indra’s son Jayant had pecked me on the foot in the form of a crow, the Lord could not tolerate this. Now that Ravan has kidnapped me, doesn’t the Lord worry about me? Where are His bow and arrow?”

“Mother, the bow and arrow are in his possession but He is so restless, sad and tearful that he has forgotten about his weapons.”

Hearing this, Sitaji was pleased and comforted.

Now Hanumanji said,

Sunahu mātu mohi atisaya bhūkhā, lāgi dekhi sundara phala rūkhā

“Mother, I am very hungry. If you permit, I would like to eat the fruits from the trees in the garden.”

“No son, these are Ravan’s gardens which are fully guarded. Even demi-gods can’t touch anything here.”

“Don’t worry about that. I will deal with the demons.”

“No, fill your stomach with the fruits that have fallen from the tree. Do not pluck them from the trees.”

Hanumanji bowed to Sitaji and left.

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