In Ashok gardens, Hanumanji saw that the fruits on the ground were either raw, rotten or spoilt by birds. So he thought, mother has refused to pluck fruits from trees, not uproot the trees. Thus Hanumanji began uprooting the trees. The juicy and ripe fruits fell to the ground as a result and Hanumanji ate those fruits. Half the garden was messed.

Hanumanji lifted some trees and threw them on some of the guards who lay drunk while on duty. The guards regained consciousness and saw that a monkey was ruining the gardens terribly.

The guards shouted and ran with their weapons to catch Hanumanji. Hanumanji continued eating with one hand and with the other, he held each demon’s leg and flung them in the ocean where the aquatic creatures fed on them. Some demons were also eaten by vultures. Hanumanji fed the vultures to perform the final rituals for Jatayu who had sacrificed his life for Lord Ram.

The demons who were safe thought that this is a demi-god in the form of a monkey and started running away in fear. Hanumanji finished eating and stopped them at the gates of the garden. Hanumanji said to them, “If you want to live, then sit down. Now repeat what I sing as you clap your hands.” And Hanumanji began,

Ram ram ram japo bavre…

Hanumanji became so deeply engrossed in the kirtan that he closed his eyes, as he continued. The demons slipped away one by one on seeing this. Hanumanji suddenly realised that he couldn’t hear anyone singing. He opened his eyes and noticed that all the demons had gone!

The demons went to Ravan and said,

Nātha eka āvā kapi bhārī, tehī asoka bāṭikā ujārī.

“Lord, a terrifying monkey has destroyed the Ashok gardens.”

Khāesi phala aru biṭapa upāre, racchaka mardi mardi mahi ḍāre.

“He ate the fruits, uprooted the trees and crushed the demons. We think this is a demi-god in the form of a monkey.”

Ravan commanded his son, “Akshaykumar! Go and kill that monkey.”

Akshaykumar came with his army, fought with Hanumanji and Hanumanji killed him.

Once again, the demons who were saved returned to Ravan, “Lord, the monkey is very mighty! Your son has been killed.” Then,

Suni suta badha lankesa risānā, pathaesi meghanāda balavānā.

Ravan was furious. He sent his powerful eldest son, Meghnad, and ordered him to bring Hanumanji tied so that he could see him. Meghnad and his army began to fight. Hanumanji threw Meghnad away from his chariot and killed the army.

Bhire jugala mānahῠ gajarājā

Tulsidasji describes the war between Hanumanji and Meghnad like the encounter of two lordly elephants. Then, Hanumanji struck Meghnad with a clenched fist and sprang up a tree. Meghnad lay unconscious for a moment. Meghnad understood that Hanumanji will not be vanquished easily, so,

Uṭhi bahori kīnhisi bahu māyā, jīti na jāi prabhanjana jāyā.

Meghnad tried many illusive tricks without success. Eventually, Meghnad fitted Bhramāstra to his bow. Hanumanji thought that the Bhramāstra can’t harm him, however, if he does not submit to it, then its infinite glory would be lost. Hence, Hanumanji pretended to become unconscious.

Meghnad ordered the soldiers to tie Hanumanji but no one moved out of fear. When Meghnad threatened to kill the soldiers, the soldiers tip-toed towards Hanumanji. On approaching Hanumanji, Hanumanji opened one eye and they all began to sing “Shree Ram Jai Ram…”

Meghnad said, “Shut up. What are you doing?”

The demons replied. “He is making us say this. If you look at him, the same will happen to you too.”

Consequently, Meghnad noosed Hanumanji with snakes and took him to Ravan’s court.

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