When Hanumanji returned to the opposite shore, his fellow monkeys were delighted to see him. The monkeys lifted him and hailed, “Jai Shri Ram. Jai Hanuman!”. Hanumanji narrated all the events that had occurred and his success in finding Sitaji.

Thereafter, Jambavan, Angad and the rest of the monkeys promptly reached Kishkindha with Hanumanji. At Sugriv’s gardens, the monkeys scared the guards away when the guards stopped them from eating the ripe fruits. The guards went and complained to Sugriv, “Sire, the group of monkeys who went in the South direction have destroyed your garden. They did not listen to us and beat us”. Sugriv was pleased because he knew that an army would only break the rules and discipline when they have been successful.

At that time, the monkeys arrived where Sugriv and Lord Ram were and bowed to Lord Ram. Jambavanji said to Lord Ram, “Although we are many in this group, only Hanumanji completed this difficult task. He deserves all the credit.” Jambavan then narrated everything Hanumanji had accomplished. Hanumanji bowed at Lord Ram’s feet.
The Lord said,

Kahahu tāta kehi bhăti Jānakī, rahati karati racchā svaprāna kī.

“How does Janki pass her days and sustain her life?”
Hanumanji replied, “Lord, your name is protecting Sitaji’s life.”

Hanumanji leavning lanka

Nāma pāharū divasa nisi dhyāna tumhāra kapāṭa,
Locana nija pada jantrita jāhĭ prāna kehĭ bāṭa.

“Your name are her guards, your thoughts are a pair of closed doors, she has her eyes fastened on her feet which acts as a padlock, what outlet has she got left after this for her life to escape?” Lord, she gave me her hair jewel on leaving.”

Shri Raghunath pressed the jewel to his heart. Hanumanji passed Sitaji’s message to Lord Ram. When the all-blissful Lord heard Sitaji’s agony, tears rushed to his lotus eyes and He said, “Hanuman, I will never be able to repay your obligation”. Hanumanji fell at the Lord’s feet overwhelmed and cried out with love “save, save me!”

Carana pareu premākula trāhi trāhi bhagavanta

Hanumanji leavning lanka

Hanumanji is asking the lord to save him from egoism as the Lord himself is praising him today. Pride leads to a fall, so why not fall at the Lord’s feet today, thought Hanumanji. Such a fall will make me prosperous.

Again and again Lord Ram sought to raise Hanumanji up. Hanumanji however was so absorbed in love that he would not raise.

Prabhu kara pankaja kapi kĕ sīsā, sumiri so dasā Magana gaurīsā

Lord Ram placed his hand on Hanumanji’s head. Lord Shiv was delighted while narrating this event as he was experiencing the joy from this event once again. Recovering himself, Lord Shiv resumed the most charming narrative.

Shri Ram asked Sugriv, “Why should we delay any longer? Prepare the army!”

The army was ready and prepared to march as they hailed Sugriv’s and Lord Ram’s name. As Lord Ram commanded the army to proceed, on the other side, Sitaji experienced good omens signifying that she was going to meet her Lord.

Hanumanji leavning lanka

The earth rocked, mountains trembled and the oceans were agitated as the monkeys and apes dashed forward, and arrived at the ocean bay.

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