Shri Bharatiya Sanskruti Samvardhak Trust regularly organizes free medical camps for the benefit of people living in rural villages under the inspiration of Pujya Bhaishri. Typically, Navratri Anushthan and Shri Hari Mandir Patotsav are two major events at Sandipani when free medical camps have been organized since 1992.
Doctors are invited from Porbandar and nearby cities to donate their time. Patients are examined, provided free laboratory tests and receive free treatment for various illnesses. When needed, patients are taken to nearby hospitals and if surgery is required financial help is provided by sponsors.
Over 66,000 people have been diagnosed through the various camps, 1,354 cataracts, laser eye and maxillofacial surgeries have been conducted up to the 2016 Patotsav. Over 470 laboratory tests have been carried out and over 6,800 individuals have been supported with free medicines.
The medical services usually include: