I have been initiated into Mantra recitation. Can you please guide me as to how to proceed in life to meet God? How does one save oneself from this all-pervading erosion of values?

This being Kaliyuga, the age of darkness, the minds of people are corrupted.   They are unable to experience God’s embodiment of joy, happiness and tranquility.  The Lord says in Shri
Ramcharitmanas, Sunderkānd:

Nirmal mann jan so mohi pāvā, mohi kapat chhal chhidra na bhāvā

‘Only those with pure minds can meet me, I do not like deception and cheating.’

Our attachment to worldly pleasures corrupts us.  Continued interaction with people creates attachment.  Attachment results in delusion.  And delusion brings about sorrow.  A deluded person, attached to external substances and people, cannot develop unstinting love for God. The pious company of devout men destroys delusion.  Hence, one must always seek such pious company.

Karahu sadā Satsang.’ Contemplating upon the divine qualities of God, hearing tales of His glory, performing pious deeds, chanting/ singing His name are all various ways of destroying delusion through Satsang.  All the methods and means of attaining proximity to God and increasing our attachment towards God is Satsang.

Satsang is achieved not through personal effort, but through Divine Grace. We must make a conscious effort to keep away from bad company and pray for Divine Grace to be bestowed upon us.  Only by dedicating our lives to God, can we be safe from the corrupting influence of Kaliyuga and lead lives of piety.

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