If God is in everyone’s heart, then why are some people good and some bad?

The light of God’s presence is there in each and every one of our hearts but if the light bulb is covered with dirt then even with the lamp on, one cannot see that light! The bulb needs to be cleaned before you can see in its light.  Likewise, our hearts and minds are filthy with the dirt of this material world and so in the absence of the light of our inner true knowledge, we perform bad actions.

We need to constantly keep our inner light bulb and energy source clear so that we can clearly see our path in its illumination.  Keeping good company is both essential and akin to regularly dusting our bulb clean so it can shine in its full glory with the light of true knowledge.  In the absence of ignorance, you will perform good actions, make the right choices and follow the right path and realise God.

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