Tattva darshan is a monthly periodical published in Hindi and Gujarati containing excerpts from Pujya Bhaishri’s Kathas and discourses as well teachings and philosophy by other saints and scholars.

It also contains details on recent events at Sandipani, kathas by Pujya Bhaishri and all the upcoming events.

The following types of subscriptions are available:

Type of Subscription Amount in Rupees Amount is US Dollars Amount in Pounds
Annual Subscription Rs. 250 US$ 21 £15
5 years Subscription Rs. 1000 Not available Not available
10 years Subscription Rs. 2000 US $ 200 £150
Patron Subscription Rs. 11,000 Not available Not available

For other countries, the price will be equivalent to US$ at the current exchange rate.

To Subscribe in India/ other countries:

Please write to tattvadarshan@sandipani.org or call Sat Sahityan Prakashan Trust Office on +916355699639

To Subscribe in USA/Canada:

Please contact: Mr. Ramnik Patel on + 1 336 428 7776 or email: sfusa@sandipani.org or Fax no. +1 704 705 2374

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Please contact: +(44) 7801 803555 or email: sfuk@sandipani.org

Click on the images below to see samples of Tattva Darshan in Hindi and Gujarati: