Is it necessary to perform Shrādh kriyā (ritual in honour and for the welfare of dead relatives)? Would the soul not attain peace should any of these rituals be missed out? Would you advise to perform such ritual by oneself when one is alive?

In our traditions Shrādh kriyās are performed for the salvation of departed souls. We are indebted to our parents, forefathers and other soul mates. Therefore, we should provide oblation to them with faith and pray for their salvation.

But it is more important that we respect them, serve them and please them when they are alive.

It is also perfectly in order that we perform our own Shrādh. In Shrādh the ritual of pinda dān (oblation) is performed. Pinda is the symbol of body. It is said that whatever is there in our body is also there in the Universe.

Pinda is placed on a darbha (a type of grass), a Tulsi leaf is placed on it and then it is offered to God, which is accepted by Lord Vishnu. So we must place our body on a seat made of darbha grass, wear a mala of Tulsi beads and surrender ourselves at God’s feet. We should live our lives as per the directives of God in the Vedas, Gita and other sacred scriptures and thus continue to serve others. This in itself is the true Shrādh to be performed by us for ourselves.

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