A soul takes birth carrying the residue of his past deeds.  One’s deeds do show their effects and thus play a role in determining our lives to an extent.

‘Karmānugo Gacchati Jīv Ekaha’ – Iti Subhashitam

Deeds that do not bear fruit in one particular life are carried with the soul into the next life. Our fate is determined in accordance with our past deeds.  The fruition of deeds determines three things:

‘Jatyāyu Bhogah’ ­­­– Gemini Sutra

The three things that our deeds determine are species, life span and the quantum of solace.  Hence, one’s previous deeds decide the species the soul will take in its next birth, the life span of the person and the quantum of solace that one will enjoy.

Consequently, the situations we face in our life may be caused by our actions of the present life.  Either way, it is our past deeds that determine the quality of our life and the quantum of happiness and misery that we may face in this life.

‘Sukhasya dukhasya na kopi data, paro dadātīti kubuddhiresha

Aham karomīti vrithābhimanah, swakarmasūtre grathito hi lokah’ – Iti Subhashitam

No other person is responsible for our happiness or pain, but us.

Since man is free to act, the responsibility for his actions lies solely with him.

‘Karma pradhān biswa kari rākhā, jo jas karaī so tas phala chākhā’

  • Shri Ramcharitmanas, Ayodhyakaand 219:4

God has made this world and it is governed by the actions of its inhabitants.

Hence, what we sow we reap.

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