Katha develops our love in God, said Pujya Bhaishri in the Shrimad Bhagavat Katha at Andheri, Mumbai

The Rotary Club of Versova, Mumbai, organised a divine Shrimad Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri from 4th January to 11th January 2013 at Andheri, Mumbai. The chairman of the club, Shri Rajubhai Agrawal, and its members made elaborate arrangements for the katha. The chief host of the katha was Shrimati Shardadevi Deshbandhu Kagji.
The katha began with the kindling of the auspicious lamp and a speech by Jagadguru Jyotishpithadishwar Param Pujya Madhav Ashramji.
During the course of the katha, Pujya Bhaishri said that the success of work done for a good cause or a good service lies in the work being offered to Shri Hari at the end. Katha is that which causes love in God and puts an end to our constant worldly desires. Katha is a mother; it will talk not to make you feel good, but it will tell you what is a good characteristic in you. We should all consistently think about God’s leelas, his abode and name on order to develop love for him.
Pujya Bhaishri also talked about people complaining of not having any time today. He raised the question on why people complain about having no time when technology is so advanced that communication is much faster than years ago. We can now communicate with someone at the click of a button via an email however far they may be. He said that we would certainly have time if we spent less time on our phones. Remember, time is very precious. Let us ask ourselves, are we spending our time in the right way?

Shri Krishna janma, Shri Giriraj pooja and Shri Rukmini vivah were celebrated with great joy and fanfare. Thousands of devotees participated in this divine katha and experienced bliss and happiness.


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