“Love is the element that ennobles our life” emphasized Pujya Bhaishri during the Bhagavat Katha at Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra, India

The Bhagavat Katha at Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra began on 2nd August, 2006. It was organized by Samast Sindhi Samaj of Ulhasnagar. The purpose of this katha was not for raising any funds but only for the sole reason of spiritual advancement and emancipation of the soul. A grand Shobha-yatra was taken out before the katha. Many saints and sadhus joined in this Shobha-yatra. Supreme ascetic of Ramanareti, Vrindavan, Karshni Shri Gurusharanandji Maharaj also joined in this Shobha-yatra. The Shobha-yatra wended its way through the entire Ulhasnagar town enabling its people to get holy darshan. On it’s reaching the venue of the katha the Shrimad Bhagavat pothiji pujan was performed and thereafter the auspicious lamp was kindled by Pujya Shri Gurusharananandji and other saints.

Conveying his blessings for the occasion, Pujya Shri Gurusharananadji said, “Listening to Shrimad Bhagavat Katha is an elevating and blissful experience. Instead of wasting our lives in futile vicious activities like lust, anger, etc. listen to the Bhagavat Katha as narrated by Shri Shukadevji maharaj and one can attain liberation.

As Pujya Bhaishri began reciting the Bhagavat the atmosphere was filled with the cheerful slogans of “Aayo Lal, Jhule Lal.” The Samiti presented beautiful displays of Nrisimha janma, Vaman janma, Rama janma, etc. Krishana janma was celebrated at 10 PM with lots of joy and enthusiasm.

Giving out his message on the concluding day Pujya Bhaishri said, “Today no one has time. Money is for the sake of human beings, human beings are not for the sake of money. Material objects are for the sake of individuals, individuals are not for the sake of material objects. Therefore forget the material objects and love the individual. Love is the element that ennobles our life. Therefore only that society is a healthy society in which people love each other and make judicious use of material objects.”

The chief host of this katha was Shri Manubhai Dubaiwala. Thousands of people took the opportunity of listening to this katha. Aastha Channel telecasted this katha live.

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