“Love is the greatest saadhanaa” said Pujya Bhaishri during Jamnagar katha

“These days people are very enthusiastic of undertaking various types of spiritual undertakings or saadhanaas. But the greatest or the best saadhanaa as shown by Shrimad Bhagwat is that of love. Love begets love. Through loving behaviour even antagonistic people become friends and start loving and caring.” This path of love as depicted in Shrimad Bhagwat was being elucidated by Pujya Bhaishri while speaking at his katha seesions in Jamnagar. Continuing his contemplation on love Pujya Bhaishri further said,”just think of it. People are capable of giving everything to others but when it comes to love, people become miserly. It looks like love in our times has become a rare commodity. When people cannot relate with each other how will they relate to God? How can you love God when you have not loved any living being in this world? Loving God means loving each and every particle of his creation since he is present in his entire creation. Hence Tulasidasji worships the whole world understanding it to be filled with God’s divinity.”

The Bhagwat Katha was organized from 25th December 2003 to 1st January 2004 by Shri Anand Baba Sewa Sansthan of Jamnagar. Commenting on the false understanding of religion Pujya Bhaishri said: “Today Dharma has come to imply only banishing certain things from our life i.e. If you are religious you should not do this or if you are religious you should not do that, etc. It is alright for us to observe certain dos and don’ts in order to organize our life. But otherwise religion does not mean forbidding things from our life. Lord Krishna who is our idol did not give importance to such banishments. He stole butter and cows, played Raasleela with the gopis and also slew the demons. He loved his devotees and he also ruled over his kingdom. And yet in his essence he remained a true vairagi, one who has renounced the sansaar. Thus instead of binding Dharma in unnecessary rules and regulations we should imbibe its true spirit and live a simple life of un-attachment. That alone is the true message of Bhagwat.” All important festivals such as Shri Krishna Janmotsav, Govardhan Utsav, Rukmini Vivaha, etc. were celebrated with great enthusiasm.

The Mahant of Shri Anand Baba Sewa Sansthan Pujya Shri Deviprasadji Maharaj, Shri Jagadishji Maharaj of Kabir Ashram and Shri Krishnamaniji Maharaj of Pranami sampradaya regularly attended the katha sessions of Pujya Bhaishri.


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