Pujya Bhaishri gave a beautiful discourse on ‘Manas par Chintan’ in Kolkata on 14th and 15th of October, 2006. This 2 day discourse was organised by Shri Ramprasadji Goenka to enlighten the people of Kolkata at the Mahalaxmi Mandir at Alipore.


Hundreds of people thronged to the Mahalaxmi mandir to listen to Pujya Bhaishri.
The program commenced with some bhajans after which Pujya Bhaishri began his discourse. He said, that we all know the Ramayana but it’s important to understand the philosophical significance behind it and only then with complete understanding we can learn to imbibe truthful ways in our lives. It’s strange but true, Surpanakha wanted Ram for herself and Ravan wanted Sita. Surpanakha and Ravana were lustful. They wanted Ram who is Bhagavan and Sita who represents Bhakti and Shaanti so wanting them is not incorrect, we all want them in our lives but their methods were wrong. Surpanakha wanted Sita out of her way to get Ram and Ravana wanted Ram out of the way to get Sita. How can you reach Ram who is Bhagavan by removing (Bhakti and Shanti) Sita? How can you reach Sita by removing Bhagavan out of the way? It’s not possible. By snatching someone’s peace how can you become peaceful yourself? Both brother and sister, Ravana and Surpanakha in false garbs using incorrect methods how could they have attained peace or God?


This is reflective of our lives too. We need to think that what we want to attain though correct, can it be justified by the methods we use?


The audience was left enthralled and Shri Ramprasadji Goenka was very pleased with the successful and enlightening event.


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