Message from Pujya Bhaishri after attending the Swearing-in Ceremony of honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi

Pujya Bhaishri was invited to the swearing-in ceremony of India’s Prime Minister, Honourable Shri Narendra Modi, on 26thMay 2014.
During the election campaign, PujyaBhaishri continuously encouraged each and every citizen of the country to vote. He said that voting is like oxygen for democracy. Every citizen must vote so that we get a strong Government with a clear mandate. Watch PujyaBhaishri encouraging people to vote.

Vote by Pujya Bhaishri

After attending the swearing-in ceremony, PujyaBhaishri said:
“I am pleased to see that India has selected with a clear mandate and we therefore now have a stable Government.”
“My sincere prayers to Shri Hari that He provides Shri Narendra Modi good health, protection and intellect to make our nation strong through which our country can develop further.”
“The people of Bharat (India) have great potential. It is the duty of our leaders to give people the support to show their potential. I am faithful that under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, this will be fruitful, the country will flourish and rise as a strong nation”.
Jai Hind!

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