Commuters of suburban local trains in Mumbai find out novel ways of utilizing their travel times for beneficial pursuits. One such ingenious method is the formation of bhajan mandals. Passengers traveling by the same train often end up occupying the same coach daily and form bhajan mandals with their co-passengers. One such bhajan mandal of Ghatkopar, a suburb of east Mumbai has become so well organized and well knit that they hosted the recent Bhagwat Katha of Pujya Bhaishri from 20th to 27th April, 2003.

An elegant replica of the famous Shrinathji temple in Rajasthan was put up adjacent to the katha marquee and all regular worships and darshans of Bhagwan Shrinathji were conducted daily.

Many saints and mahatmas including Param Pujya Satyamitranandji Maharaj of Bharat Mata Mandir Haridwar, came for the katha and the audience got the benefit of hearing their enlightening talks through various satsang sessions. Other Bhagwatacharyas like Shri Bhupendrabhai Pandya and Shri Sharadbhai Vyas also attended the katha and addressed the audience.

Arrangements of the katha were handled most ably by the team of volunteers of the bhajan mandal. Important festivals like Shri Krishna Janmotsav, Shri Govardhan utsav, Shri Krishna-Rukmini vivaha were celebrated enthusiastically.


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