People who experience and feel God’s grace in their life are indeed very fortunate. But they who get to hear the Shrimad Bhagwat Katha are more so because they get the direct experience of God”s love and compassion, since listening to the Bhagwat Katha results in multiple benefits of getting the privilege of being in the company of holy people as also increasing our spirituality.

The quake-affected people of Kutch and Gujarat were recipients of such good fortune. It was for their benefit that Pujya Bhaishri dedicated his Bhagwat Katha organized in Kandivili, Mumbai, from 23rd Dec. to 30th Dec. 2001. This Katha was arranged with the support and co-operation of Amritdrishti Parivar, Mumbai together with the untiring efforts of Shri Amubhai Chitalia and Shri Bharatbhai Chitalia families.

The shobhayatra of Shrimad Bhagwat began from Anand Ashram, Kandivili and H.H. Shri Jayendra Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kotam Peeth, inaugurated the Katha. The Jagadguru described the opportunity of witnessing this occasion as an invaluable experience

Krishna-janma was celebrated on 27th Dec. 2001 and ‘Govardhan Utsava’ on the 29th. . All participants cherished both the utsavs. During the katha Pujya Bhaishri said that Shrimad Bhagwat Katha imparts spiritual strength to us and facilitates our spiritual progress. It also helps us in our day-to-day activities by guiding us in our practical matters. Pujya Bhaishri said that the Bhagwat not only facilitates our “Nirvana” but also “Nirmana”. He said that this katha would ensure salvation of those who came to hear it and rebuild the lives of the quake-affected people of Kutch-Gujarat.

All through the sessions of the Katha Shri Karunashankarbhai actively supervised the arrangements and their smooth functioning. Shri Dwarkeshlalji and Shrimati Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani (of the Reliance group) remained present through the entire katha session and guided and inspired the organizers.


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