✨Relish a Life filled with Health, Wealth & Ever-lasting Joy

⚪ ShriHari Mandir (Porbandar) is celebrating Pāpāṅkuśā Ekādaśī fast on Saturday, 16th October, 2021.

⚪ This fast is observed on the eleventh day of the first fortnight (Śukla pakṣa) of the month of ‘Āśvina’.

⚪ Lord Śrī Krṣṇa explains the unique significance of each Ekādaśī Kathā to Dharmarāja Śrī Yudhiṣṭhira Māharāja, in the ‘Uttara Khaṇḍa’ of the Padma Purāṇa

⚪  How Should One Observe Pāpāṅkuśā Ekādaśī?

  • One should: 
    • Engage in the ritual worship of the lotus-naveled (padmanābha) Lord Viṣṇu;
    • Observe the fast during the day, and stay awake during the night worshipping the Lord;
    • Perform charity in accordance with one’s capabilities.

⚪ What Charity Should One Perform on Pāpāṅkuśā Ekādaśī, and what is its Significance?

  • One can perform any of the following forms of charities:
    • Gold (Suvarṇa Dāna);
    • Sesame seeds (Tila Dāna);
    • Land (Bhūmī Dāna);
    • Cow(s) (Gau Dāna); 
    • Food (Anna Dāna);
    • Water (Jala Dāna);
    • A pair of shoes (Jūte Dāna);
    • Or an Umbrella (Chhāta Dāna).
  • Fruit reaped from performing any of the aforementioned charities:
    • One never has to face the Lord of Death and Righteousness (Yamarāja).

⚪ What Are The Fruits Reaped From Observing Pāpāṅkuśā Ekādaśī?

  • This Ekādaśī fast:
    • Rids one of all their sins
      ✤ Emancipates ten generations from man’s mother’s side, ten generations from his father’s side, and ten generations from his wife’s side.
  • Grants one:
    • Heaven (svarga);
    • Liberation (mokṣa);
    • Good health;
    • Wealth;
    • A beautiful wife
    • Friends
  • One who:
    • Offers their humble obeisances to the Lord Viṣṇu, whose flagstaff carries the insignia of the eagle Garuḍa (representing the Vedas), attains the same fruit as one who performs never-ending asceticism.
    • Sings Lord Viṣṇu’s Holy Names, attains the same fruit as one who goes on pilgrimage to the Holy Tīrthas and temples.
    • Seeks refuge in the all-pervading Lord Janārdana—who bears the Śāraṅga-named-bow—never has to suffer the torture of the Realm of Death (Yamaloka). 
    • Observes this Ekādaśī, ascends to Lord Viṣṇu’s Supreme Abode in one’s divine four-armed form, adorned in yellow garments and beautiful garlands. The Lord’s own divine airplane (vimāna), whose flag is emblazoned with the symbol of His beloved vehicle, Garuḍajī’s, symbol, comes to take His devotee to Shri Hari’s own abode. 

⚪ What Is the Significance of Maintaining Continuity In Virtuous Deeds?

            ◽ Lord Śrī Krṣṇa tells Śrī Yudhiṣṭhira Māharāja, 

‘Of best of all the kings, even the poor should work towards making each of their days successful through bathing and performing charity according to one’s capabilities.’

  • Note: Even those who are poverty-stricken are encouraged to bathe and give what they can. No matter what one’s changing circumstance and status may be in life, one should constantly engage in the virtuous deeds of bathing and performing charity.

◽Those who are continuously engaged in the virtuous deeds of bathing (snāna), chanting and contemplating upon the Lord’s Name (japa and dhyāna), distributing offerings (dāna), never has to face the frightening Lord of Death and Righteousness (Yamarāja). 

⚪ Lord Śrī Krṣṇa reveals a beautiful principle to Śrī Yudhiṣṭhira Māharāja: 

‘Those that we see have longevity, wealth, are noble and healthy in this world, are divine souls who have performed pious deeds in their past lives. This is how those who are engaged in virtuous deeds look. Thus, whoever’s status we admire, must surely be a noble soul. Man experiences suffering due to his own sins, and ascends to Heaven through the path of righteousness.’

🌐 Stay tuned to know more about the respective significance of, rituals involved in, and fruits reaped from, each Ekādaśī Kathā!

#DidYouKnow—One who condemns Lord Śiva, as a devotee Lord Viṣṇu (Vaiṣṇava), can never attain a place in Lord Viṣṇu’s abode; he will have to reside in Hell. Similarly, one who condemns Lord Viṣṇu, as a devotee of Lord Śiva (Śaiva), has to suffer the horrors of Hell.

🔆 #PujyaBhaishriSays—“There is no such place or time where or in which God is not present. The curtain of delusion is the cause for forgetfulness of God. Fasts such as Ekādaśī are a means to live with special alertness, with the confidence that ‘Wherever I am, I am in God’s sight.’” @PPBhaishri.

🌙 #FunFact—There are two Ekādaśīs in every month; falling on the eleventh day of every lunar fortnight. The Ekādaśī falling during the waxing phase of the moon (bright lunar fortnight) is known as ’Śukla pakṣa’ Ekādaśī; and the one falling during the waning phase of the moon (dark lunar fortnight) is known as ‘Krṣṇa pakṣa’ Ekādaśī.

#PuraanPrasaad by Rishi Dhavalbhai Joshi


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