God is the highest truth. One must remember two important points in relation to the truth:

1) The truth is infinite;

2) The truth is eternal.

The highest truth is infinite.  It has no boundaries.  It is eternal and indivisible.  Hence it is said that there is no gauge to measure the truth and no weighing scale to weigh it.  Therefore, the truth is eternal and cannot be disseminated in fractions; that is impossible.  The only possibility is to experience it.

The highest truth is infinite and our strength is finite.  Our intellect is finite hence we can only comprehend the finite.  For example, if we are in sight of the front of an object we will be unable to see the rear and if we are in view of the rear, we will not be able to see the front. Similarly, how can one comprehend and grasp something that is eternal?

How can one who has limitations achieve something that is infinite?  That is why the essence of our spiritual endeavours is to immerse oneself into the truth; to dissolve oneself in the Supreme truth, not to gain.  For example, as people say, a drop of water becomes the ocean. It is not completely correct to say that the drop of water has found the ocean but it is true to say that the drop of water has become the ocean.

One who immerses oneself is able to attain the highest spiritual state. Spiritual endeavours are not performed to gain something but to eradicate ‘I’ and uproot the ego within us.  One who eradicates ego can become God.

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