“Prison is the pilgrim center for repentance” explained Pujya Bhaishri to the inmates of the district jail in Agra, India

Pujya Bhaishri visited the district jail in Agra and was welcomed by Jail Superintendent S. P. Yadav.

Whilst talking to the inmates Pujya Bhaishri said, “Prison is the pilgrim center for repentance. Saints have described our life as a prison. Apart from God there is no one in this world who has never sinned. The only difference is that those who are caught get imprisoned while the rest remain outside. There is an animal in all of us. We are spiritually evolved only to the extent that we can control it.”

Continuing his address to the jail inmates Pujya Bhaishri said, “Even if we do not have faith in God he does have faith in us. There is no mention of the word ‘Hindu’ in the entire Bhagwad Gita. Its message has an universal appeal. It addresses people of all religions. The greatest enemies of mankind are lust, anger and greed which lie within us. We unnecessarily fight each other in the outward world. It is our misfortune that instead of recognizing the lust, anger and other negative qualities as our enemies we believe them to be our friends which leads towards our destruction right from the roots.”

All inmates were moved and applauded Bhaishri for the new direction and motivation he gave to them.

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