Pujya Bhaishri addresses audience at Hartford, Connecticut on Bhakti Yoga

It was with great pleasure and excitement Bhaishri was received by the Indian Community of Greater Hartford, Connecticut, USA, for Bhakti Yoga discourses from July 25th to the 27th, 2003. On Friday, July 25, Bhaishri elaborated on the theme of Bhakti Yoga, Chapter 12 of the Bhagwad Gita, and created an atmosphere in preparation for the subject where Arjun asks Bhagwan Shri Krishna a beginning question, “Who is superior, a bhakta who worships Nirguna, Nirakar Parabhrahma or Sagun, Swarup Ishwar?” Here, Bhaishri clarified the difference between, Brahma, Ishwar and Bhagawan.

Next day, Bhaishri continued explaining the response of Bhagawan Krishna from stanzas 2 thru 7. Both types of sadhaks achieve the same results. But, it is difficult for a human to envision and worship the formless compared to that with the form.

On the last day, Bhaishri continued for 4 ½ hours explaining stanzas 8 thru 20 where Bhagwan talks about His most loving devotees. In general, over 400 members of the community participated in rapt attention listening to Bhaishri’s eloquent style of explanation on the subject. Every one enjoyed the discourses and many ordered audio versions of it.

On Saturday, a special session was arranged for young adults. Due to the duality of atmospheres, one at home and the other at school with western friends, young adults had many questions. Bhaishri eloquently presented answers to the questions and clarified the confusion in their minds. The young adult session was only for 1-½ hours. However, they sincerely look forward to meet Bhaishri for a longer period in the future.

In addition to having a great program with Bhaishri, the Indian Community of Greater Hartford also committed to sponsor two children for the whole term at Sandipani Vidyaniketan.


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