Pujya Bhaishri and other Holy Saints explain the importance of the company of Saints on Pujya Bhaishri’s birthday

To celebrate Pujya Bhaishri’s birthday this year, a divine congregation of saints was organised on 31st August 2012 in Kolkata by Vaishvik Sanskruti Parivaar. The saints who felicitated and blessed Pujya Bhaishri were: Guru Sharananand ji Maharaj, Shri Radhakrishna ji Maharaj, Shri Viyoganand ji Maharaj, Shri Ganeshdas ji Maharaj, Shri Girishaanand ji Maharaj, Shri Bhramaswaroop Bhramachariji Maharaj, Swami Shri Satya Mitranand Giriji Maharaj and several other saints.
Pujya Bhaishri said in his speech that the entire world is trapped with restlessness. Despite having everything, there is an increase in the lack of love in peoples’ lives. There is no love and unity anywhere in the world. One human is killing another. Everyone is running after restlessness. What is this? A restless individual is bound to create disturbances in the external world too!
However, saints are peaceful. This is because God is peaceful. Since the saints are in union with God they too are serene. This is the reason why we experience absolute peace when we are in the company of the saints. I am ecstatic to see that I am gaining the darshan and blessings of divine saints through this congregation of saints. In reality the best wealth for a human is satsang (the company of saints).

Pujya Bhaishri further said that we have been given this body to help others. Hence we should look for our happiness in the happiness of others as much as possible. We should aim to be an ascetic. An ascetic always desires the welfare of others. We should always remember that even by indulging in our minor selfish needs we may cause great harm to the nation. It can hinder the country’s progress. Hence it befits the rulers that they respect saints and heed their advice.
The saints present on this occasion all showered their blessings on Pujya Bhaishri via their speeches. Pujya Swami Shri Satya Mitranand Giriji Maharaj said that Pujya Bhaishri has advanced in life through his sadhana, simplicity, studies and trust. Bhaishri’s school is an abode of love. Previously he was an individual human being but today he appears as an unmanifest form of God. An individual should kindle oneself like a lamp. Just as a candle burns by melting its wax and spreads light, similarly, we too shall have to burn ourselves for the benefit of our society and nation. This melting will be the melting of our selfish desires.

Pujya Swami Gurusharananandji Maharaj said that Sage Bhagirath assured Maa Ganga that all sins flowing in her waters will be taken away when saints bathe in her stream because saints are the representatives of Shri Hari. Pujya Shrimati Krishna Mishra ji said that saints teach us to distribute what we have; this way it will turn into gold. Pujya Swami Girishaanandji Maharaj said that Bhaishri is a unique narrator of katha. Whenever he sings bhajans in his kathas we experience absolute bliss. God’s katha is nectar. God’s katha and the company of saints fill our hearts with joy. Katha narrators are the advocates of God.

Furthermore, Pujya Swami Viyoganandji Maharaj said that whereas an individual thinks only about oneself, saints think about the whole society. Take refuge of a saint. Your life will bloom. Pujya Bhramachari Bhramaswaroop ji said that only a saint can purify the pollution of character and maintain the good health of a nation through their holy speech. In his welcome speech, Shri Surendra Bajaj said that we understand the purpose of our life when a saint enters our life.
Shri Vimal Bhiwaniwala, Shri Manoj Sanghai (Dabbu), Shri Ishwariprasad Tantia, Shri Ravindra Chamaria, Shri Shyamsunder Agrawal, Shri Ramakant Beriwal, Shri Ratanlal Agrawal and several other volunteers provided whole-hearted support for successfully organising this divine congregation of saints.

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